All articles with 'IIM' Tag
I am feeling beautiful and happy. And let me warn you, I am not yet placed The world is full of new ventures, new ideas and new things. Everyday I see something new happening somewhere, something so simple and beautiful being done by somebody out there, thanks largely to my net connection. I couldn’t wait […]
Our management festival IRIS is what keeping me busy for the last few days. The event is going on really well. Last 2 days have been really hectic with really lots of work and almost a thousand phone calls. Will post a detailed update when I have the time and space. Till then, oh yeah, […]
Continue »The season begins with a bang! I am not referring to tollywood movie season with a big hit, but to the b-school festival season. Our team participated in MDI Gurgaon’s management festival called as Imperium. We won the first prize in a marketing event called MarkeThink. In fact we clean swept the event with another […]
Continue »If there is one hobby that I cannot leave even when I become a CEO, it will be coding. Yes, I like coding very much. Not that I am hotshot programmer or something like that, but I would like to spend a couple of hours every month doing some silly coding. It feels good when […]
Continue »G O V A R – my friend and another blogger from iim-i community gets visibility in MBA forums. They have published an interview with him here. Way to go spetty!
Continue »For the past 4-5 days I have been really busy and the reason is not some submission or exam. It is ad-mark. Mercur-i, our marketing club conducts “marketer of month” contest. There will be several phases in this contest and as you participate in each round you will accumulate points based on your performance. The […]
Continue »and it feels mighty good that they are back. The rush to finish them off, the endless nights and the canteen owner laughing all the way to bank. They are back. The pain in the hands and in the minds, and the cruel smiles of the people who design them. They are back. The chase […]
Continue »Bored of doing relentless browsing and creating a new template for Linkyard (which incidentally came out decently. Do check) I thought of taking some photos of the fields on the hillock. Anoop said he is ready to accompany me in this timepass venture. So there we are walking down the fields. As we go further […]
Continue »Well, It seems that the blogging community is infected by the tag virus oflate. The result of book meme tag virus is simple. A cross section of blogs look similar with posts on the same theme and thus ruining the purpose of blogging, that is, I believe expressing ones own views. But since its a […]
Continue »I am busy with some work(?) for the last 3-4 days. Some JIT/SHIT is happening. Will update sometime tomorrow.
Continue »After a day or two in on the roads in what could be the worst time of the year with the heat wave on everywhere inside the borders of Hindustan, i am damn tired. Mere walking from one clinic to another clinic for 15 mins is enough to give you a mild sunstroke. Despite the […]
Continue »Landed up in nagpur today morning. This is my first time in this place. The city is a neat and small. Sun here is merciless. I had a mild sunstroke kind of ill feeeling through out the afternoon. Will post updates sometime later. Tada!
Continue »Being the ad freak that I am, I spend most of the travel time gazing at the billboards inside/outside the local stations. Sometime back the idea of writing an article on these advertisements came to my mind. Here goes the implementation of the same. Spread the buzz! Zee – Bhaskar’s stable is trying to launch […]
Continue »Just when i finished publishing the last post vishy buzzed me on Y! and invited me to NASEOH (an NGO based in mumbai) to participate in an afternoon session with differently-abled people teaching them computers and communication skills. I was in two minds whether to go there or not. But after a hefty lunch at […]
Continue »– Fin endterm exam tomorrow– I got my cam today. Will post about it tomorrow– Someone tell me why the hell I havent started preparation for the exam. Its 1:50 in the morning….
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