All articles with 'Microsoft Excel Formulas' Tag
Today we will learn a little trick to compare 1 value with a set of values, For eg. our sales vs. competitor sales. We will learn how to create a chart like this.
Continue »Hurray, PHD blog crossed 2000 RSS Subscriber base. This is a very significant milestone for me.
To celebrate this occasion we have a mega post: 100 Excel & Charting Tips, Tricks and Resources for you.
Continue »What are the formulas you wish Excel had ?
Here is a list of formulas I wish MS Excel had. Alas, we need to build some work-arounds to solve them though.
Continue »Everyweek PHD shares some of the Excel links to help you learn better and become productive at using Excel. This weeks edition will help you with printing, creating named ranges, finding excel version.
Continue »Automatically insert timestamps in excel sheet using formulas
Often when you use excel to track a particular item (like expenses, exercise schedules, investments) you usually enter the current date (and time). This is nothing but timestamping. Once the item is time stamped, it is much more easier to analyze it. Here is an excel formula trick to generate timestamps.
Continue »Formula Debugging in Excel – Tip [spreadcheats]
Can you imagine building a complex worksheet without formulas? I can’t. While no one can dispute the usability of formulas, we all know how painful it is when an excel formula returns a mysterious error and we don’t know what is causing the error.
Continue »One of the most common comments we get here is “how does xxx formula works?” Even though there is vast documentation on excel formulas including the built-in help in MS Office, often it is difficult for us to learn a formula quickly and use it in a snap. So to help new users of excel […]
Continue »Often when you are writing code or testing an application, it might be helpful to have random phone numbers generated for you. Here is an excel formula that I use: =value(left(substitute(rand(),”0.”,””),10)) try these 2 instead (thanks to John) =RAND()*(9999999999-1000000000)+1000000000 =RANDBETWEEN(1000000000,9999999999) [needs analysis toolpack add-in or excel 2007] Even though it works most of the time […]
Continue »Seperating digits from a number [excel formulas]
Reader Joann asks through email: Take the number 117490. I need to break it down5 times: 11749 1174 117 11 1 You can use FLOOR() function to get the desired result, like this: =FLOOR(your-number/10^digit-no,1) See the image below:
Continue »Eight ways to exploit COUNTIF() … and sumif() too [spreadcheats]
If for every countif() I write excel paid me a dollar, I would be a millionaire by now. It is such a versatile and fun formula to work with that I have decided to write about it as third post in our spreadcheats series. Using COUNTIF() to replace pivot tables: We all know that you […]
Continue »Excel Formula for Finding Repeated Words in a Cell
If you ever need to know whether a particular word is repeated in a cell (for eg: a file extension or telephone number or name of the customer) here is how you can find it. =if(lower(cell-with-text)<>SUBSTITUTE(lower(cell-with-text),lower(word-to-check),””,2),”Yes”,”No”) We are using substitute() to replace the second occurance of a particular word and then compare this with original […]
Continue »Extracting Unique, Duplicate and Missing Items using Formulas [spreadcheats]
Often I wish Microsoft had spent the effort and time on a data genie (and a set of powerful formulas) that can automate common data cleanup tasks like extracting duplicates, makings lists unique, find missing items, remove spaces etc. Alas, instead they have provided features like clippy which are intrusive to say the least. So […]
Continue »Relative vs. Absolute References in Formulas [spreadcheats]
This is the first installment of the spreadcheats series. I have used excel an year and half before I learned about the relative and absolute references. It was such a joyous feeling to find out that you can actually write one (or just a few) formulas and use the power of auto-fill to do the […]
Continue »The World’s First Music Video in Excel ACDC Rock n Roll Train This is totally cool. ACDC released an ASCII version of their “rock n roll train” video through excel spreadsheet. Why? So that you can download it at your office and watch it while your boss thinks you are working. 😀 I think this […]
Continue »This is a Guest Post by Robert on Visualization Techniques for Excel KPI Dashboards. This 6 Part Tutorial on Management Dashboards Teaches YOU: Creating a Scrollable List View in Dashboard Add Ability to Sort on Any KPI to the Dashboard Highlight KPIs Based on Percentile Add Microcharts to KPI Dashboards Compare 2 KPIs in the […]
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