
All articles with 'Learn Excel' Tag

Calculating average of every nth value [Formula tips]

Published on Sep 5, 2013 in Excel Howtos
Calculating average of every nth value [Formula tips]

Lets say you have a large list of numbers, and you want to calculate the average of every nth value. Not the average of all numbers, but just every nth number.

That is what we will learn in next few minutes.

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How to find the lowest value? [Quick tip]

Published on Aug 12, 2013 in Excel Howtos
How to find the lowest value? [Quick tip]

Lets say you are the head of purchasing department at Big Corp Co.

You are obviously very busy. Every day starting with a large cup of coffee and ends with a big smile, as you save your company thousands of $s by negotiating best deals, finding best providers and being awesome.

Today, let me share a small Excel tip with you that will make you even more awesome.

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Details about upcoming Power Pivot course (and a bonus tip on dashboards)

Published on Jul 24, 2013 in Power Pivot
Details about upcoming Power Pivot course (and a bonus tip on dashboards)

Hello friends..,

I have 2 things for you:

  • Details about our upcoming Power Pivot courses
  • A short video about designing better dashboards.
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Are you interested in learning Power Pivot?

Published on Jul 18, 2013 in Power Pivot
Are you interested in learning Power Pivot?

Hi there,

I have a question and an announcement for you.

Question: Are you interested in learning Power Pivot? Do you want to connect, analyze and visualize lots of data using Excel?


IF(Your_answer="YES", "Read Announcement", "Read Announcement anyway!")

Announcement: 2nd Batch of Power Pivot coming on August 1st.

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Never use simple numbers in your dashboards (bonus tip: how to fix default conditional formatting)

Published on Jul 11, 2013 in Charts and Graphs
Never use simple numbers in your dashboards (bonus tip: how to fix default conditional formatting)

Pop quiz: What is wrong with above report?

At first glance, it looks alright. But if you observe closely, you realize that it is not telling the entire story. Just looking at regional sales numbers, you have not much clue what is going on with them.

So how to improve it?

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How to use Excel Data Model & Relationships

Published on Jul 1, 2013 in Excel Howtos, Pivot Tables & Charts
How to use Excel Data Model & Relationships

Have you ever been in a VLOOKUP hell?

Its what happens when you have to write a lot of vlookup formulas before you can start analyzing your data. Every day, millions of analysts and managers enter VLOOKUP hell and suffer. They connect table 1 with table 2 so that all the data needed for making that pivot report is on one place. If you are one of those, then you are going to love Excel 2013’s data model & relationships feature.

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5 Keyboard shortcuts for writing better formulas

Published on Jun 27, 2013 in Learn Excel
5 Keyboard shortcuts for writing better formulas

As an analyst (or manager), I bet a good portion of your Excel time is spent writing formulas and getting the results.

So today, let us learn 5 important keyboard shortcuts that will save you a lot of time and help you write better formulas.

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Introduction to Structural References

Published on Jun 26, 2013 in Learn Excel

Ever seen a formula like =SUMIFS(Sheet1!B2:B3923, Sheet1!C2:C3923, A1, Sheet1!D2:D3923, A2) and wondered what it is really doing?!?

If so, you are not alone.

Formulas written with cell references tend to look complicated and clunky. What if we could write formulas in plain English?

That is what Structural References do. When using structural references in formulas, your focus will be on your data, not on which cell ranges the data takes up.

For example, you can write formulas like these:
1) SUM(mySales[no. of customers]) to find how many customers we had.
2) SUMIFS(mySales[no. of customers], mySales[product], “FastCar”) to find how many customers bought “FastCar”

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How to get VLOOKUP + 1 value?

Published on Jun 25, 2013 in Excel Howtos

Here is a question someone asked me in a class recently.

“I know how to use VLOOKUP to find a value based on search term. But I have a slight variation to it. I need to extract value below the cell VLOOKUP finds.”

This is simpler than it sounds.

We can use INDEX + MATCH formulas to do this.

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Are you ready for 2,000 miles, 15 days & 10 Excel tips road trip?

Published on Jun 24, 2013 in Charts and Graphs, personal
Are you ready for 2,000 miles, 15 days & 10 Excel tips road trip?

Finally my Excel classes in USA are over. It was a lot of fun traveling to new cities, teaching Excel & dashboards to enthusiastic crowds and making new friends. As if that is not fun enough, we (Jo, kids & I) are going on a 2,000 mile, 2 week road trip starting today.

Although I am enjoying all this, I also feel bad for not taking enough time to share new tricks, ideas & techniques with you here. So, I have a wacky, wild & awesome plan for you. Join us on our road trip.

That is right. You can join me on our road trip and see what I see, learn some pretty cool Excel tricks, all while sipping coffee and stretching legs in the comfort of your office cubicle.

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A quick Excel tip while on bike…

Published on Jun 10, 2013 in Learn Excel

As you may know, I am in USA and having a lot of fun exploring new areas, meeting people and conducting live classes. While all of this is enjoyable, I am also feeling guilty because I am unable to squeeze time to share Excel tips on the blog.

So to make it up to you, I recorded this short video (2 mins) with an Excel tip while bicycling in beautiful Euclid Creek Reservation in Cleveland on Friday. Watch it below.

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Excel Project Risk Map Generator – using VBA

Published on May 28, 2013 in Automation, Project Management, VBA Macros
Excel Project Risk Map Generator – using VBA

We all have some projects to manage every now and then and there are needs of various trackers that help us in gauging the progress of the same. One of the most important things are heat maps that quickly help us in visually displaying the names of the projects that need special attention and resolve issues that are impacting them.

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How to find sum of top 3 values based on filtered criteria [video]

Published on May 17, 2013 in Excel Howtos
How to find sum of top 3 values based on filtered criteria [video]

Lets say you are looking at some data as shown above and wondering what is the sum of budgets for top 3 projects in East region with Low priority. How would you do that with formulas?

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How to transpose a values in a row to column using formulas… [Quick tip]

Published on May 14, 2013 in Excel Howtos
How to transpose a values in a row to column using formulas… [Quick tip]

This is interesting, I am in Columbus to meet one of my college friends. I remember him as a very meticulous person from college days. So it is no surprise when he showed me his massively impressive finance tracker last night. He has been tracking expenses, income, credit card payments and gas (petrol) consumption since 2008. Very impressive indeed.

Then out of blue he said, he has a problem with his spreadsheet. In this own words,

When entering data for credit cards, I use one column per card. But in my report view, I want to show credit card details in rows. How do I do this?

Something like above…. Today, lets learn how to do this using Excel formulas.

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I am meeting Mr. Excel aka Bill Jelen tomorrow. What do you want to ask him? (book giveaway too)

Published on May 9, 2013 in interviews

Bill Jelen a.k.a. Mr. Excel - I am meeting him for first time tomorrow (10May2013). Post your questions to him and you could win a book.One of the beautiful things about working on internet is you know so much about people even before you meet them first time. I think I first heard about Mr. Excel in 2006, when I started my career as business analyst. I landed on mrexcel.com while searching for something related to doing cluster analysis using Excel. In a way, mrexcel.com inspired me to share my thoughts and techniques on Chandoo.org.

So it wont be an understatement when I say, I feel like a kid in candy store knowing that Bill Jelen aka Mr. Excel is just a few miles away from where I live. Since Rob Collie and Bill are good friends, I asked Rob if we 3 can meet for dinner. And Bill said yes.

I am meeting Bill for dinner on Friday and Rob, Bill & I will be discussing spreadsheets, technology, share our experiences and bump ideas off each other.

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