
All articles with 'downloads' Tag

Make info-graphics with shape fill technique [Charting Tip]

Published on Jul 11, 2019 in Charts and Graphs
Make info-graphics with shape fill technique [Charting Tip]

This is a quick, fun and elegant way to make impressive charts. You can easily create info-graphic style charts in Excel using shape fill technique. Something like this:

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How to predict cricket scores [Excel + Machine Learning]

Published on Jul 2, 2019 in Analytics, Charts and Graphs, Learn Excel
How to predict cricket scores [Excel + Machine Learning]

Can we predict cricket match score in Excel? Using machine learning, ensemble modeling, multiple regression and Excel formulas we can. This tutorial explains how.

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Combine multiple Excel files using Power Query [Full example + download]

Published on May 30, 2019 in Power Query
Combine multiple Excel files using Power Query [Full example + download]

Say you want to combine multiple Excel files, but there is a twist. Each file has few tabs (worksheets) and you want to combine like for like, ie , all Sheet1s to one dataset, all Sheet2s to another dataset…

To make matters interesting each sheet has a different format.

What now?

Of course Power Query to the rescue.

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How to fake “Key influencers chart” in Excel?

Published on May 1, 2019 in Charts and Graphs
How to fake “Key influencers  chart” in Excel?

Recently, Microsoft Power BI introduced a very useful visualization, called key influencers visualization. As the name suggests, this is a chart of key parameters that effect a measure or outcome.

For example, you have customer satisfaction rating as a measure. Now you want to know which aspects of your data impact the ratings most? You can create the key influencer visual and Power BI finds all the top ranking influencers (using rules and machine learning).

But can we make it in Excel?

Let’s see…

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There is an Easter Egg in this Power BI report

Published on Apr 18, 2019 in Excel Challenges, Power BI
There is an Easter Egg in this Power BI report

Its Easter time. At Chandoo.org, I have tradition of publishing Easter Egg hunts since 2009. This is the first time our Easter egg hunt is on Power BI. Changing times, eh?

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VLOOKUP multiple matches – trick

Published on Apr 16, 2019 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
VLOOKUP multiple matches – trick

We all know that VLOOKUP can find first match and return the results. But what if you want all the matches? Use this simple trick instead.

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Source vs. Use of Funds – 14 charting alternatives

Published on Apr 10, 2019 in Charts and Graphs
Source vs. Use of Funds – 14 charting alternatives

Let’s say you manage a fund or charity. You get money from various places and you use that money for various reasons. How do you tell the story of source vs. uses of funds? In this post, let’s review 14 charting options. Source vs. Use of funds – Sample Data for this problem Let’s say […]

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Top 10 Excel Formulas for any situation

Published on Mar 27, 2019 in Learn Excel
Top 10 Excel Formulas for any situation

Excel has hundreds of formulas. But as a new learner or user, you may want to just focus on top 10 formulas to get the most out of it. Assuming you already know the basics (check out Beginner Excel page if you are complete newbie), here is a list of top 10 Excel formulas for you.

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Create impressive dashboard tiles in Excel

Create impressive dashboard tiles in Excel

If you want to tell the story of how your business / project / charity / thing is going on, then making a dashboard is the best way to go about it. Dashboards can combine heaps of data, insights and messages in to one concise format that fits on to a desktop or table or mobile screen.

But let’s be honest. Creating them in Excel is a lot of work. Even after spending hours on them, they might still look meh. So, let me share a trick to make your dashboards look snazzy (without compromising on insights per inch).

Create dashboard tiles, something like above.

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Employee Turnover Dashboard – Power BI for HR

Published on Mar 8, 2019 in Power BI, Power Pivot, Power Query
Employee Turnover Dashboard – Power BI for HR

Work in HR and use Power BI? You are going to love this extensive, powerful and useful Employee Turnover Dashboard. In this detailed article, learn how to create your own attrition dashboard system with Power BI. Full example workbook, video and sample data included.

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Elevator problem – Excel homework

Published on Dec 13, 2018 in Excel Challenges
Elevator problem – Excel homework

The other day while I was in lift (elevator), it made an alarm like sound and won’t close the doors. Turns out there are one too many people in the lift for it to operate safely. As soon as a couple of people volunteered and stepped out, it started fighting gravity and took us upstairs. […]

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Leave entitlement vs. usage analysis with Power Query

Published on Sep 24, 2018 in Excel Challenges, Power Query
Leave entitlement vs. usage analysis with Power Query

Last Friday, I asked you to analyze “sick leave entitlement vs. usage” data and answer homework questions. We got several interesting responses to that. Today, let me share a quick video highlighting how to analyze such data with Power Query.

This is part of our Power Mondays series, where every Monday you will learn something new & useful about Power BI, Power Query and Power Pivot.

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Lenient lookup [Advanced Formula Trick]

Published on Sep 13, 2018 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Lenient lookup [Advanced Formula Trick]

We all know VLOOKUP (or INDEX+MATCH) as an indispensable tool in our Excel toolbox. But what if you want the lookups to be a little gentler, nicer and relaxed?

Let’s say you want to lookup the amount $330.50 against a list of payments. There is no exact match, but if we look 50 cents in either direction, then we can find a match. Here is a demo of what I mean.

Unfortunately, you can’t convince VLOOKUP to act nice.

Hey VLOOKUP, I know you are awesome and all, but can you cut me some slack here? 

VLOOKUP is tough, reliable and has a cold heart. Or is it?

In this post, let’s learn how to do lenient lookups.

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How to get a random sample of data with Power Query

Published on Aug 20, 2018 in Power Query
How to get a random sample of data with Power Query

Today’s Power Monday trick is about Power Query. This is based on my experience of working with large volumes of data.

Today I have been building a hotel dashboard (more on this later). As part of the dashboard, I wanted to show a random sample of user reviews. Reviews database had quite a few rows, so I wanted to extract a randomized sample of 100 reviews and show them in the report. When you refresh the report (Data > Refresh), then a new set of reviews will be fetched and shown.

Let’s learn how to generate a random sample with Power Query in this article.

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Make funky and creative hand-drawn chart in Excel – Quick tutorial

Published on Aug 16, 2018 in Charts and Graphs
Make funky and creative hand-drawn chart in Excel – Quick tutorial

Charts are great way to tell story about what is going on in your business. But they also feel a bit too impersonal and meh. How about adding your personality to them? I don’t mean making them tall, dark and pretty. I mean using hand-drawing style to make them pop out. Something like above example of hand-drawn chart.

The best thing is, You don’t need to actually draw these charts by hand. We can use a powerful charting trick to get these charts automatically generated (and linked) to your data. Interested? Read on to learn how to create hand-drawn charts in Excel.

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