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All articles with 'dashboards' Tag

Sales Analysis Dashboards with Power BI – 30+ Alternatives

Published on May 21, 2024 in Power BI
Sales Analysis Dashboards with Power BI – 30+ Alternatives

Do you need inspiration for your upcoming Power BI sales dashboard? Well, I got you covered. In this page, let me present 33 alternatives for Sales Analytics Dashboards with Power BI.

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Announcing Power BI Dashboard Contest (win $500 prizes!)

Published on Apr 9, 2024 in Power BI
Announcing Power BI Dashboard Contest (win $500 prizes!)

Hey there, I have a SUPER exciting announcement! April is about to get a whole lot sweeter with our Power BI Dashboard Contest! Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Craft the most EPIC dashboard for the Awesome Chocolates CEO with sales & financial insights! Winners stand a chance to score up to $500 in Amazon Gift Cards, plus some serious bragging rights!

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How to create a fully interactive Project Dashboard with Excel – Tutorial

Published on Jun 10, 2021 in Charts and Graphs, Learn Excel, Project Management
How to create a fully interactive Project Dashboard with Excel – Tutorial

Do you manage projects? You are going to LOVE ? this one. In this in-depth tutorial, learn how to create a fully interactive & dynamic Excel Project Management dashboard. Sample files & video instructions are also provided.

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How to make stream graphs in Excel?

Published on Jul 16, 2020 in Charts and Graphs
How to make stream graphs in Excel?

A stream graph or stream plot is an area chart that looks like a stream. In this post, let me show you how to create an interactive stream graph using Excel area charts. The original design for this graph is inspired from Cedric Scherer.

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Easy Website Metrics Dashboard with Excel

Published on Apr 28, 2020 in Charts and Graphs, Learn Excel, Templates
Easy Website Metrics Dashboard with Excel

Do you run an e-commerce website? You are going to love this simple, clear and easy website metrics dashboard. You can track 15 metrics (KPIs) and visualize their performance. The best part, it takes no more than 15 minutes to setup and use. Here is a preview of the dashboard.

Click to download the template.

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Advanced Pivot Table Tricks for you

Advanced Pivot Table Tricks for you

Excel Pivot tables make data analysis and visualization easy. With the help of these advanced pivot table skills, you can create powerful data analytics and reports.   New to Pivot Tables? If you are new to Pivot Tables, check out this excellent introduction to Pivot Tables page. × Dismiss alert Table of Contents #1 – One Slicer, Two […]

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Introduction to Power BI – What is it, how to get it, how to create reports with Power BI and how to publish them?

Published on Nov 8, 2019 in Power BI
Introduction to Power BI – What is it, how to get it, how to create reports with Power BI and how to publish them?

Power BI is a data analytics & visualization software. It is one of the most popular and powerful way to work with complex business data. In this page, you will find a comprehensive guide to start your Power BI journey.

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Create impressive dashboard tiles in Excel

Create impressive dashboard tiles in Excel

If you want to tell the story of how your business / project / charity / thing is going on, then making a dashboard is the best way to go about it. Dashboards can combine heaps of data, insights and messages in to one concise format that fits on to a desktop or table or mobile screen.

But let’s be honest. Creating them in Excel is a lot of work. Even after spending hours on them, they might still look meh. So, let me share a trick to make your dashboards look snazzy (without compromising on insights per inch).

Create dashboard tiles, something like above.

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Power BI Webinar, Amsterdam & Australia tours [update time]

Published on Mar 15, 2019 in Master Class, Training Programs
Power BI Webinar, Amsterdam & Australia tours [update time]

Hiya folks… just a quick update on whats keeping me busy this year, with a bonus Excel tip at the end. Take a sip of your favorite brew and read on.

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Employee Turnover Dashboard – Power BI for HR

Published on Mar 8, 2019 in Power BI, Power Pivot, Power Query
Employee Turnover Dashboard – Power BI for HR

Work in HR and use Power BI? You are going to love this extensive, powerful and useful Employee Turnover Dashboard. In this detailed article, learn how to create your own attrition dashboard system with Power BI. Full example workbook, video and sample data included.

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How your country did in Commonwealth Games – Power BI Viz and Tutorial

Published on Apr 17, 2018 in Power BI, Power Pivot, Power Query
How your country did in Commonwealth Games – Power BI Viz and Tutorial

Commonwealth games 2018 have ended in the weekend. Let’s take a look at the games data thru Power BI to understand how various countries performed.

Here is my viz online or you can see a snapshot above.

Looks good, isn’t it? Well, read on to know how it is put together.

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Designing awesome financial metrics dashboard [tutorial]

Designing awesome financial metrics dashboard [tutorial]

In this amazing guest post, the winner of our 2016 dashboard contest – Chandeep – Explains how he constructed the jaw dropping beauty (shown above) using Excel, creativity, love and sweat. Grab a full cup of coffee (or whatever liquid fancies you) and read on. Take lots of notes and play with the ideas in Excel while reading to maximize your learning.

Thanks Chandeep.

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Visualizing Financial Metrics – 30 Alternatives

Published on Aug 30, 2016 in Analytics, Charts and Graphs
Visualizing Financial Metrics – 30 Alternatives

Around 2 months back, I asked you to visualize multiple variable data for 4 companies using Excel.  30 of you responded to the challenge with several interesting and awesome charts, dashboards and reports to visualize the financial metric data. Today, let’s take a look at the contest entries and learn from them.

First a quick note:

I am really sorry for the delay in compiling the results for this contest. Originally I planned to announce them during last week of July. But my move to New Zealand disrupted the workflow. I know the contestants have poured in a lot of time & effort in creating these fabulous workbook and it is unfair on my part. I am sorry and I will manage future contests better.

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Tell all versions of truth [Dashboard Best Practice]

Here is a simple but effective rule for your next dashboard. Tell all versions of truth. All versions? But there is only one version no? Of course, there is only one version of truth (or data), but you can present that in different ways, thus creating different perspectives, offering different insights. By using an interactive element (slicers […]

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Analyzing half a million complaints – Customer Satisfaction Scorecard [Part 3 of 3]

Analyzing half a million complaints – Customer Satisfaction Scorecard [Part 3 of 3]

This is the final part of our series on how to analyze half a million customer complaints. Click below links to read part 1 & 2.

  1. Complaint reason analysis – Part 1
  2. Regional trends & analysis – Part 2

Customer satisfaction scorecard

In the previous parts of this case study, we understood what kind of complaints were made and where they came from (states). For the customer satisfaction scorecard, let’s focus on individual companies.

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