All articles with 'comparison' Tag
How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template]
![How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template]](
You are the boss of ACME Inc. And one day, both of your accounts receivables team members Sara and James come to you with two versions of the customer payment data. How do you compare these two Excel sheets and reconcile the data? In this article, let me explain the step by step process.
Continue »Compare 2 sets of data by letter or word & highlight mismatches [vba]
![Compare 2 sets of data by letter or word & highlight mismatches [vba]](
We analysts like to compare. If you ever want to keep an analyst busy, just give her 2-3 options. She won’t return to your desk until the cows come home. My wife uses this trick all the time. Picture this:
[In late 2013]
Me: I want to buy a new phone
She: Do you want Nexus 5 or Galaxy S5 or iPhone 5s?
Its late 2014 and I am not done comparing.
So today, let’s talk about an interesting comparison scenario.
Comparing by letter or word
See above demo to understand the concept. Read more to learn how to do this.
Continue »CP021: How to quickly compare 2 lists in Excel

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In the 21st session of podcast, lets compare lists. Quickly
What is in this session?
Comparing things is a favorite pastime for analysts all over the world. Sadly, it is also an area where we waste hours. So in this episode, I share my top secret comparison techniques to save you time.
Note: This is a short format podcast. That means you spend less time listening to it, while becoming more awesome.
In this podcast, you will learn,
- Why I sound like I am on a secret mission at a mafia hideout.
- 5 ways to compare 2 lists
- Manual method
- Conditional Formatting
- Row Differences
- LOOKUP formulas
- COUNTIF formulas
- Bonus tip: Removing duplicates
- Conclusions
Compare 2 Excel Files using View side by side Mode [Quick Tip]
![Compare 2 Excel Files using View side by side Mode [Quick Tip]](
Often we have 2 workbooks with same data structure but different data. We want to compare both and see how they differ. Lets talk about view side by side mode in Excel and how we can use it in situations like these.
Continue »Comparing 2 Lists with a Twist

We love to compare. The instinct to compare leaves no one. Even my two year old twins compare their toys with each other (and fight).
It would make Excel hugely popular if Microsoft builds a handy data comparison tool right in to it. Alas, they have customizable ribbon, 3d effects & equation editor…
Since comparison is one of the main uses of Excel, we have written extensively about it here.
But there is always one more interesting comparison problem. Today, I want to share one such problem, based on a comment left by N-Man.
Continue »Compare 2 Lists Visually and Highlight Matches

Comparison is one of the most common things we do with Excel. Naturally, there are so many ways to compare 2 lists of data using Excel.
Today, I want to share an interesting comparison problem with you.
Lets say you run a small shop which sells some highly specialized products. Now, since your products require quite some training before customers can buy them, you keep track of all product queries and arrange demos.
After a hectic week, you are staring at 2 lists. One with product queries, another with product demos. And you want to know whether all the queries are answered with a demo or not.
Continue »Even Faster Way to Compare 2 Lists in Excel [Quick Tip]
![Even Faster Way to Compare 2 Lists in Excel [Quick Tip]](
Last week we discussed a fun and easy way to compare two lists of data in excel using conditional formatting. In that post, Artem commented, The quickest way to find all about two lists is to select them both and them click on Conditional Formatting -> Highlight cells rules -> Duplicate Values (Excel 2007). The […]
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Comparison of lists of data is something that we do all the time. Today, lets learn a few tricks that you can apply immediately to compare 2 lists using Excel. This post discusses how to compare two lists with formula based rules. If you just want to quickly highlight common values, click here. If you […]
Continue »7 ideas Excel can pick-up from iWork Numbers

We have a macbook at home. Like all latest macbooks, this one too came with a trail version of iWork. Even though I have used iWork before, this time I wanted to compare iWork numbers with Excel. In this post, I want to highlight 7 really cool features for iWork and how Microsoft excel can benefit from implementing the same.
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