All articles with 'best posts' Tag

This year has been busiest year since inception of Wow, that is 10 years in a row of breaking previous records.
We had 101 posts, 7,400+ comments this year. Since our forum went thru a migration, I could not gather exact stats for forum. We have trained more than 2,500 people thru my online classes – Excel School, VBA Classes & Power Pivot classes.
More than 7.5 million people visited our site in last 1 year (up 14%) and consumed a whopping 20 million pages (up 16%). Each of these visitors spent an average of 2 minutes 21 seconds on our site becoming awesome in Excel. There are 1.8 million people who spent at least 15 minutes on our site.
We have added more than 25,000 members to our newsletter / RSS reader community, crossing 80,000 mark. It is a busy year.
Read on to find the best of in 2013.
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This year has been the busiest year since the inception of We had 161 posts, 8,900+ comments, 33,500+ forum posts. We have trained more than 2,500 students thru training programs like Excel School & VBA Classes this year alone. More than 6.5 million people visited our site this year (up 82%), consuming a whopping […]
Continue »Best of Pointy Haired Dilbert – 2009

Ah, you thought I will let you go to the next decade without a “year in review” post? No so fast my friend, not so fast.
[This post is a bit long by our standards, but full of gooey excel goodness. So get a cup of coffee or choco and get going]
And if you are in a rush, here is my wish – Happy New Year 2010