All articles with 'apple' Tag
7 ideas Excel can pick-up from iWork Numbers

We have a macbook at home. Like all latest macbooks, this one too came with a trail version of iWork. Even though I have used iWork before, this time I wanted to compare iWork numbers with Excel. In this post, I want to highlight 7 really cool features for iWork and how Microsoft excel can benefit from implementing the same.
Continue »Featured Visualizations – Jan 02

Every week Pointy Haired Dilbert celebrates visualization and info-graphics by showcasing some of the creative and fun charting work from around the web. Have inspiration and fun. Browse hundreds of fun visualization and graphics projects in archives.
Newsmap is a creative and fun way to look at news. They organize news items on a tree map based on recency and relevancy of the news items (that are probably pulled from Google news). The background color indicates the news topic (red for world, purple for business, green for tech etc.)
Continue »The new Mac vs. PC web ad by Apple is really cool

Did you checkout the new web based Mac vs. PC ads Apple is running on the They are totally cool. why? because, in that ad, the PC guy walks from one ad-block to another creating wow user experience for whoever seeing the ad. Here is a small animation I have created out of it […]
Continue »Now that iPhone is going to have GPS built in, here is an application idea any of you iPhone app developers out there. The idea is simple, whenever the phone-holder is driving, this app would automatically answer calls with a pre-recorded message (that can go like, “Hi.., I am driving right now, please leave a […]
Continue »And you almost knew why it is a superb tuesday, well, we got Shimla delivered today. Still going through initial learning curve of getting used to mac. Here is the screen cap, isnt it looking gorgeous? We know :), but the important thing is the it feels gorgeous. PS: regular posting @ PHD should resume […]
Continue »Missus arrived Missus on bench Missus bored at hotel Missus asked for some immediate lap love (not the baby kind ) Missus nagged Missus ORDERED! I had to obey now, the choice was between Dell XPS 1530 and one of the Macs. A quick check at the bank balances revealed that I forgot my […]