
Automatically Format Numbers in Thousands, Millions, Billions in Excel [2 Techniques]

Automatically Format Numbers in Thousands, Millions, Billions in Excel [2 Techniques]

Ever wanted to automatically format values in thousands, millions or billions in Excel? In this article, let me show you two powerful techniques to do just that.

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How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template]

How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template]

You are the boss of ACME Inc. And one day, both of your accounts receivables team members Sara and James come to you with two versions of the customer payment data. How do you compare these two Excel sheets and reconcile the data? In this article, let me explain the step by step process.

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Sales Analysis Dashboards with Power BI – 30+ Alternatives

Sales Analysis Dashboards with Power BI – 30+ Alternatives

Do you need inspiration for your upcoming Power BI sales dashboard? Well, I got you covered. In this page, let me present 33 alternatives for Sales Analytics Dashboards with Power BI.

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Announcing Power BI Dashboard Contest (win $500 prizes!)

Announcing Power BI Dashboard Contest (win $500 prizes!)

Hey there, I have a SUPER exciting announcement! April is about to get a whole lot sweeter with our Power BI Dashboard Contest! Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Craft the most EPIC dashboard for the Awesome Chocolates CEO with sales & financial insights! Winners stand a chance to score up to $500 in Amazon Gift Cards, plus some serious bragging rights!

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Compound Interest Formula in Excel

Compound Interest Formula in Excel

Classically, known as “interest on interest”, compound interest is the most common type interest used in every day finance situations.

To calculate compound interest in Excel,

on principal amount P
at the rate of interest R
for the number of years N
and compounded T times per year
we can use the formula = P*(1+R/T)^(N*T)

In this article, understand how to calculate various kinds of compound interest values using Excel formulas.

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How to convert test scores to letter grades in Excel?

How to convert test scores to letter grades in Excel?

We can use Excel’s LOOKUP function to quickly convert exam or test scores to letter grades like A+ or F. In this article, let me explain the process and necessary formulas. I will also share a technique to calculate letter grades from test scores using percentiles.

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How to calculate the Gender Pay Gap using Excel Formulas? (Free Calculator Template)

How to calculate the Gender Pay Gap using Excel Formulas? (Free Calculator Template)

Gender Pay Gap is the difference in pay for groups of men & women and usually based on the average or median salaries. We can use Microsoft Excel to quickly calculate the GPG (Gender Pay Gap) from your data. In this article, let me explain the process, Excel formulas and offer you a ready to use GPG calculator.

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