
Filter as you type [Quick VBA tutorial]

Filter as you type [Quick VBA tutorial]

Filtering a list is a powerful & easy way to analyze data. But filtering requires a lot of clicks & typing. Wouldn’t it be cool if Excel can filter as you type, something like above.

Let’s figure out how to do this using some really simple VBA code.

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Introduction to Power BI – What is it, how to get it, how to create reports with Power BI and how to publish them?

Introduction to Power BI – What is it, how to get it, how to create reports with Power BI and how to publish them?

Power BI is a data analytics & visualization software. It is one of the most popular and powerful way to work with complex business data. In this page, you will find a comprehensive guide to start your Power BI journey.

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Celebrate with spider web chart [Halloween Fun]

Celebrate with spider web chart [Halloween Fun]

It’s Halloween time. As adults, we can’t go trick or treating. We can of course dress up in costumes and entertain others. But what about the poor spreadsheets. Don’t they deserve some of this fun too?

Hell yeah! So I made a spider web generator in Excel. Just use it to make a spooky cob web pattern and add it to your report / dashboard / time sheet or whatever else. Surprise your colleagues.

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Using IRR with Data Tables – Modeling Cash-flow Scenarios in Excel

Using IRR with Data Tables – Modeling Cash-flow Scenarios in Excel

Do you want to simulate multiple cash-flow scenarios and calculate the rate of return? Then this article is for you. In this page, learn how to,

  • Introduction to IRR & XIRR functions
  • Calculate rate of return from a set of cash-flows with XIRR
  • Simulating purchase or terminal value changes with data tables
  • Apply conditional formatting to visualize the outputs
  • Common issues and challenges faced when using XIRR
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Impress with Tornado Charts in Excel

Impress with Tornado Charts in Excel

It’s tornado season. Don’t freak out, I am talking about Excel tornado charts. Use them to visualize age and gender-wise KPIs. Here is a quick demo of interactive tornado chart made in Excel. Watch it and read on to learn how to make your own tornado in a spreadsheet.

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Excel Basics: How to add drop down list to validate data

Excel Basics: How to add drop down list to validate data

Validating your data as you type can prevent any surprises when you are doing analysis / follow-up on the data. Thankfully, excel has the right tools to do it. Excel drop down list can assist you in picking up a value from a valid list to enter in a cell. Here is a short how-to […]

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Zelda Stamina Wheel Chart

Zelda Stamina Wheel Chart

I have been playing Zelda: Breath of the wild a lot these days and I LOVE the game. Considered one of the BEST video games all time, BOTW is beautifully designed and offers a lot of entertainment. Don’t freak out yet, Chandoo.org hasn’t suddenly branched into a video gaming blog. Instead, I am here to talk about Stamina Wheel Chart.

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