Happy Birthday Hui…
Note: Hui’s birthday is yesterday (13th). I planned to write this post and share the dashboard workbook with you all yesterday itself, but my daughter wasn’t keeping well and we were busy taking care of her. (And yes, she is ok now, thanks for asking. )
Some of you know our guest author and Excel ninja Hui. Yesterday was his birthday. And I wanted to create nice birthday gift for him. So I took a database dump of our forums data and created a dashboard.
First take a look the dashboard I made for him:
[click here for a large version]
Some Key Findings
- Our forums have a total of 5,227 posts, out of which Hui contributed 24% (roughly 1 in 4)
- On average Hui takes 13 and half hours to get back to the questioner with an answer. The fastest he has been was 31 seconds. (only last year data)
- Hui has been very busy on November 30th – 2010, answering 19 times on that day.
- The person who got benefited most from Hui is indi visual, with 44 replies from Hui.
- People used the words thank and Hui in same post 395 times.
- Hui wakes up early and answers questions on our forums. Then, before sleep, he spends some time helping people.
- If Hui had $2.5 per each letter he typed in our forums, he would be a millionaire.
- All data as of Jan 11, 2011. Between that and now, Hui has already answered 37 more times (and still helping…)
How is this dashboard constructed?
With lots of love of course. But quite a few excel techniques were used too.
- Structurally, this dashboard is similar to my 10,000 comment dashboard.
- Word cloud of Hui’s replies is from wordle.net
- Scrollable chart at the bottom is a grid of 20×42 cells conditionally formatted. Scrolling effect thru OFFSET formula.
- Pivot tables, a whole lot of them were used to find the summaries I want
- The header content is picture links & shapes.
- Rest of them are left to your imagination.
Download Excel Workbook with this Dashboard
Please click here to download the workbook. It is locked.
I have made a 45 minute video explaining how this dashboard is constructed. I will be giving this video & unlocked workbook as a bonus to people joining Excel School dashboard option or purchasing Dashboard training kit.
Interested in Dashboards?
- I recommend joining Excel School. You can learn how to make awesome charts & dashboards.
- Visit our Dashboards Page. It has tons of useful information, examples, tutorials & templates.
Say Happy Birthday & Thanks to Hui
I am sure directly or indirectly, Hui has helped many of you. So take a minute and say thanks to him. Wish him several more years of awesomeness, happiness, wealth & health.
32 Responses to “Happy Birthday Hui, An Excel Dashboard to prove you are awesome!”
Happy Birthday Hui,
You're the most valuable person (except Chandoo of course) one should ask for help with Excel.
See you
Happy birthday to Hui, and a great job on the dashboard Chandoo!
Feliz Cumpleaños Hui !!
gracias por ayudarnos a todos, tanto y tan bien.
(translation: Happy B'day Hui !! Thank you for helping us all, so much and so well )
And Chandoo, LOVED your Dashboard !!
Happy Birthday Hui !! Thank you (and also to Chandoo) for helping us !!
Hi Hui, Many Happy Returns , bets wishes for the coming year.
Happy birthday Hui!!!
feliz cumpleaños Hui. you were the first person to reply to my 1st post!

keep em replies coming
Happy B'day Hui!!!
Its nice to know you are a Capricorn too, I also belong to this category, although I wish some of your genius would also have rubbed onto me alongwith your Zodiac sign......
I wish you all the best in life. God Bless You.
Wishing Hui the best of the days ahead.
Happy Birthday
So Hui is only 13 years old?
Happy b-day Hui!
Happy Birthday Hui!
Wow - stunning dashboard Chandoo!
Happy Birthday Hui!
Happy birthday Hui.......sorry I was late. As chandoo says hope you have more years of awesomeness, happiness, wealth & health.
@chandoo - nice dashboard
Many happy returns Hui!
Thank you for all your insights.
Belated Happy B'day Hui...
@Chandoo: Hui is "AWESOME IN EXCEL"
Happy Birthday Hui, Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Hui - may Excel bless you
Happy birthday, you are one the best people I have come across.
Happy Birthday Hui!
Appreciate all the help you give to all of us all the time.
Enjoy your birthday!
@All - Many thanx for the birthday wishes
@Jon - Sorry I'm not 13, I just celebrated my 21st Birthday for the 27th time.
@Chandoo - I feel very humbled by your appreciation and especially the effort you've gone to with the dashboard - Thankyou.
To quote Monty Python - "I'm not the Excel Ninja, I'm just a naughty boy"
Ironic that Hui's birthday is so close to that of Excel. This validates my original suspicions that Hui is not actually a mild mannered Aussie, but some sort of experiment from Redmond.
I kid.
First version of Excel was 30 September 1985
Belated birthday wishes Hui.Thank you very much for you help,advice on excel.
Belated Happy Birthday Hui!
Thank you for your help.
Great dashboard. I wanted to de-construct it to learn more but I realised that it's locked.
Happy happy Birthday, Hui. May you live long.
Happy Birthday Hui! have a great year!
Nice gift to Hui...
Happy Birthday Hui
Thanx for the wishes
But my Birthday is in January
Oh my god! a 'word cloud'?! I've been looking to make one of these for a survey results report..! The more I learn, the more I realise I don't know... Thanks!
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[...] Link: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/01/14/birthday-gift-hui/ [...]