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Archive for April, 2020

Easy Website Metrics Dashboard with Excel

Published on Apr 28, 2020 in Charts and Graphs, Learn Excel, Templates
Easy Website Metrics Dashboard with Excel

Do you run an e-commerce website? You are going to love this simple, clear and easy website metrics dashboard. You can track 15 metrics (KPIs) and visualize their performance. The best part, it takes no more than 15 minutes to setup and use. Here is a preview of the dashboard.

Click to download the template.

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What are Excel Sparklines & How to use them? 5 Secret Tips

Published on Apr 23, 2020 in Charts and Graphs
What are Excel Sparklines & How to use them? 5 Secret Tips

Of all the charting features in Excel, Sparklines are my absolute favorite. These bite-sized graphs can fit in a cell and show powerful insights. Edward Tufte coined the term sparkline and defined it as,

intense, simple, word-sized graphics

Sparklines (often called as micro-charts) add rich visualization capability to tabular data without taking too much space. This page provides a complete tutorial on Excel sparklines.

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Add slope line to XY charts

Published on Apr 21, 2020 in Charts and Graphs
Add slope line to XY charts

Slope line is very useful for spotting which values have changed from two sets. You can add a slope line to XY chart (scatter plot) using simple techniques. In this post, learn how to add them.

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Excel Dynamic Array Functions – What are they, how to use them, Examples and FAQs

Published on Apr 11, 2020 in Learn Excel
Excel Dynamic Array Functions – What are they, how to use them, Examples and FAQs

Excel Dynamic Array Functions are a true game changer. These newly introduced DA functions can filter, sort, remove duplicates and do much more. The output of these functions can go to a range of cells. Hence the name – dynamic array functions.

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There are 20 Easter Eggs in this Workbook

Published on Apr 10, 2020 in Excel Challenges, Learn Excel
There are 20 Easter Eggs in this Workbook

Welcome to annual Easter Egg hunt at Chandoo.org. This year I have a feast for you. I hid 20 Easter Eggs in this workbook. Go ahead and find them. Share your solutions, clues or struggles in the comments box.

Happy hunting.

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