Archive for January, 2005
Tomorrow is a global day. We have 3 classes starting with Strategic Planning and ending with a double whammy in the form of 2 HR classes. That means you can something like “That will have longterm strategic impact on the firm and place it in a competitively disadvantageous position vis-a-vis competitors and demotivate employees from […]
Continue »Staying on the hill with beautiful surroundings has its own advantages. We get to see most wonderful sunsets/rise here despite the fact that most often you see sunrises before you sleep. some snaps. The ghat road in the evening. Isnt it sexy? Golden Skies As the darkness surrounds… Tada!
Continue »sometimes when i meet people trying to protect themselves and hide their insecurities by not allowing others to mingle with them i remember this quote I read in a telugu book longback. He has drawn a small circle around him and thrown me out. I have drawn a bigger circle around me and invited him. […]
Continue »Yesterday during our habitual night walks govar, srickant (only non-ghissu academic committee member) and myself started arguing about this article. Srickant was for the issues raised in the article. Me and Govar are against the issues. For those who have not read the article here is the crux of it. IIMs or other Indian B […]
Continue »[PG Link] Before joining IIM Indore in July 2004 I have attended 9 real GD/PIs. I am able to convert 3 of them. There were lots of key takeaways from all these experiences. This post aims to throw some light in what works best in a GD/PI and what can make one a failure in […]
Continue »hmm… was thinking of posting my current winamp playlist here with some comments each title for quite sometime. This list wakes me up almost everyday. Here it goes. Bulla Ki Jana, Rabbi Shergill – Awesome lyrics, real catchyFana, Yuva – Any doubts, cult ARRIts the time to disco, KHNH – Awesome musicEk ho gaye hum […]
Continue »I always thought that people would love to hide their identity when it comes to online forums/chat rooms/etc. Some mavericks always try to come up with crazy names too. Still some more people hide their identities even in blogs. When you are a regular user and mod at largest B school student online community in […]
Continue »Well, you have seen them all. Cost accounting, management accounting, HR accounting, this accounting, that accounting. But Accounting of Exams??? Well, I guess there is no such concept in existence till now. Hmm, so something original, you must be thinking. But even if you are remotely aware of the blog title you will remember that […]
Continue »well… I have been luring my visitors about the happenings here. let me acutally put them down. like a condom advertisement which exaggerates the excitement to exorbitant levels,you might find this a dud of a post. lets try. Man!-I-Fuss-TooWell, come january its election time at I. yours truly contested for Secretary, Media & public relations […]
Continue »Created a couple of pages on my site for UtsAHA fotos. please go through them for a visual treat – UtsAHA Album 1– UtsAHA Album 2– UtsAHA Album 3– All fotos at one place Tada!
Continue »Well, it is not a T-shirt caption. Rather it is about the current term in the 2 year course i want to blog. When term3 kick started 10 days ago, I thought it would be another 30% content and 70% global term with more fundaes on various areas of management and understanding people. I couldnt […]
Continue »Last few days my little blog had to go through a host problem. that is reason why most of you are not able to access this place. Looks like now it is pretty ok. Life is moving on at a hectic pace here. Will post more tomorrow on several new happenings @ I.
Continue »There are fairs. And then there are fairs. Then there is UtsAHA. to beat all of them hands down. UtsAHA is the reason for the inactivity in my blog. For the last 3-4 days half of IIM Indore are working like dogs to make this marketing fair happen. The concept of UtsAHA is simple. It […]
Continue »There is better way to start the term than getting busy like hell before the first class. That is what i have been through in the last 2 days. and to be frank i still have lot of work. Looks like by the time i clear all the deadlines and emerge free to think on […]
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