
Chandoo speaks at Excelapalooza Excel user conference @ Dallas - September - 2014 - Preparatory Material

Hi there,

Welcome to my Excelapalooza 2014. Thank you so much for enrolling in my dashboards session. I am eager to meet you in Dallas this September & help you become awesome in your work.

In order to gain the most from this hands-on workshop, I want you to complete below preparatory course work before attending the classes in September (22 or 23).

How much time this prep-course takes?

It should take no more than 8 hours of your time. Please aspire to finish it all to gain most from the hands-on workshop.

If you have not enrolled in the Excelapalooza yet, Please click here to enroll.

Material for Dashboards Workshop

Please go thru this material.

Absolute vs. Relative References in Excel [30 mins]

Understanding various reference styles is very important to develop simple, repeatable & useful formulas. And formulas are the engine of any successful dashboard.

Please go thru below links to learn about various referencing styles in Excel.

IF formula & its variations [45 mins]

IF formulas help us build various real-life conditions & scenarios in Excel. Learning how to use IF formula is critical to building your formula knowledge.

Please go thru below links to learn about IF formulas:

SUMIFS Formula [45 mins]

SUMIFS (along with its cousins – COUNTIFS, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF etc.) plays a vital role in quickly summarizing data and getting answers to our questions.

Please go thru below link to learn more:

VLOOKUP formula [60 mins]

VLOOKUP formula helps us answer questions like what is the price of product PR1234-01? by looking up data. Along with other powerful functions like MATCH & INDEX, VLOOKUP helps us do many useful things when building dashboards. Please note that we will be learning about MATCH & INDEX in the Masterclass. So, just brush up on your VLOOKUP for now.

Learn how to use VLOOKUP formula.

[optional, takes another 60-90 mins] Comprehensive guide to Excel LOOKUP formulas

Excel Tables [30 mins]

Excel Tables help us structure our data & write simpler formulas. They are vital for creating dashboards that have ever-changing data.

Introduction to Excel tables

[Optional, takes another 30 mins] How to use VLOOKUP with Tables

Conditional Formatting [30 mins]

Conditional formatting is a quick & easy way to add wow-factor to your reports, analysis & dashboards. Learn the basics now. We will learn advanced stuff in the Masterclass.

Introduction to Pivot Tables [30 mins]

Pivot tables form the core of Power Pivot. So get a good understanding of what they are and how to use them.

Thank you and see you at the conference

Thanks again for taking the preparatory course. I am eager to meet you at the conference in Dallas.