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All articles with 'xlookup' Tag

How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template]

Published on Jul 3, 2024 in Excel Howtos
How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template]

You are the boss of ACME Inc. And one day, both of your accounts receivables team members Sara and James come to you with two versions of the customer payment data. How do you compare these two Excel sheets and reconcile the data? In this article, let me explain the step by step process.

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What is XLOOKUP and how to use it in Excel?

Published on Mar 12, 2024 in Excel Howtos
What is XLOOKUP and how to use it in Excel?

Think of XLOOKUP as an improved version of VLOOKUP. In this article, learn all about the XLOOKUP function, it’s syntax, parameters with real-world xlookup examples.

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How-to create Dependent Drop Downs in Excel [Dynamic & Multiple]

Published on Feb 14, 2024 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
How-to create Dependent Drop Downs in Excel [Dynamic & Multiple]

Do you want to create a dynamic dependent drop down list in Excel like below? You can use XLOOKUP and data validation to set this up quickly. It is fully dynamic and works across a full column too.

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Speed up your Excel Formulas [10 Practical Tips]

Published on Apr 14, 2023 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Speed up your Excel Formulas [10 Practical Tips]

Excel formulas acting slow? Today lets talk about optimizing & speeding up Excel formulas. Use these tips & ideas to super-charge your sluggish workbook. Use the best practices & formula guidelines described in this post to optimize your complex worksheet models & make them faster.

1. Use tables to hold the data
2. Use named ranges & named formulas
3. Use Dynamic Array formulas
4. Sort your data
5. Use manual calculation mode

… and more. Read on to learn these top 10 tips & ideas to improve performance of your excel formulas.

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Which Excel Formulas should you learn first?

Published on Nov 14, 2022 in Learn Excel
Which Excel Formulas should you learn first?

Let’s face it. You already know how to use SUMs, COUNTs and IFs and want to level up. But there are 100s of functions in Excel and you are not sure which ones to focus on.

In this article, let me reveal the top 10 important functions in Excel for data analysis work.

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How to write complex Excel formulas (hint: it’s a lot like LEGO)

Published on Dec 9, 2021 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
How to write complex Excel formulas (hint: it’s a lot like LEGO)

Writing advanced formulas is a lot like LEGO. Use what you already have and combine them in creative ways. Let me demo with 5 examples.

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How to create a fully interactive Project Dashboard with Excel – Tutorial

Published on Jun 10, 2021 in Charts and Graphs, Learn Excel, Project Management
How to create a fully interactive Project Dashboard with Excel – Tutorial

Do you manage projects? You are going to LOVE ? this one. In this in-depth tutorial, learn how to create a fully interactive & dynamic Excel Project Management dashboard. Sample files & video instructions are also provided.

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Write a formula to get Department Budget for a Month [Homework]

Published on Mar 12, 2021 in Excel Challenges
Write a formula to get Department Budget for a Month [Homework]

Time for another homework. You got a spreadsheet of department budgets and need to write a formula to get budget for a given department, month combination.

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Dynamic Arrays Live Masterclass – Replay

Published on Feb 23, 2021 in Learn Excel
Dynamic Arrays Live Masterclass – Replay

Excel Dynamic Array functions are going to change the way to you work your data forever. Watch the replay of the event here and learn about…

* What is so different about Excel’s dynamic array functions
* The new # operator
* 6 important dynamic array functions – FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, RANDARRAY
* 25 practical examples of dynamic array functions for business analysis
* Your questions & answers

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Image Lookup – How-to show dynamic picture in a cell [Excel Trick]

Published on Dec 16, 2020 in Learn Excel
Image Lookup – How-to show dynamic picture in a cell [Excel Trick]

Do you ever want to have an image or picture lookup in Excel? Something like the depiction above.

In this article, learn how to set up an image lookup using Excel. You can use this to display staff details, product images or machine parts etc.

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Top 10 Excel formulas for IT people

Published on Jun 18, 2020 in Learn Excel, Project Management
Top 10 Excel formulas for IT people

Are you in IT & use Excel often? This article explains top 10 formulas for IT professionals. Useful for project managers, IT analysts, Testing people and BAs.

We cover a 10 practical situations and explore various Excel formulas to solve them. Example workbook provides more details too.

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Lookup last non blank value – Excel Challenge

Published on Jun 12, 2020 in Excel Challenges, Learn Excel
Lookup last non blank value – Excel Challenge

I have a fun Excel lookup challenge for you. You have data as shown below and want to find the last non blank value for a given account number. For example, for acct number 2015, the answer would be Freedom. How would you solve this? Refer to this workbook for 3 possible answers. Just move […]

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