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All articles with 'sequence' Tag

Loan Amortization Schedule in Excel – FREE Template

Published on Feb 20, 2024 in Financial Modeling, Learn Excel
Loan Amortization Schedule in Excel – FREE Template

Do you want to calculate loan amortization schedule in Excel? We can use PMT & SEQUENCE functions to quickly and efficiently generate the full loan amortization table for any number of years.

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Mortgage Calculator with Extra Payments – Excel Download

Published on Sep 6, 2022 in Learn Excel, Templates
Mortgage Calculator with Extra Payments – Excel Download

Recently, we got a new mortgage. And I wanted to know the impact of “extra payments” on it. So I made an Excel calculator. Check it out ?

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Dynamic Arrays Live Masterclass – Replay

Published on Feb 23, 2021 in Learn Excel
Dynamic Arrays Live Masterclass – Replay

Excel Dynamic Array functions are going to change the way to you work your data forever. Watch the replay of the event here and learn about…

* What is so different about Excel’s dynamic array functions
* The new # operator
* 6 important dynamic array functions – FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, RANDARRAY
* 25 practical examples of dynamic array functions for business analysis
* Your questions & answers

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Excel Dynamic Array Functions – What are they, how to use them, Examples and FAQs

Published on Apr 11, 2020 in Learn Excel
Excel Dynamic Array Functions – What are they, how to use them, Examples and FAQs

Excel Dynamic Array Functions are a true game changer. These newly introduced DA functions can filter, sort, remove duplicates and do much more. The output of these functions can go to a range of cells. Hence the name – dynamic array functions.

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