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All articles with 'ribbon customization' Tag

Copy Paste Visible Cells only (Two more ways to do it)

Published on Aug 28, 2017 in Excel Howtos, Keyboard Shortcuts, Learn Excel
Copy Paste Visible Cells only (Two more ways to do it)

Last week, we talked about how to copy and paste visible cells alone (ie exclude any filtered rows or hidden columns etc.) In the comments section many of you suggested two more ways to deal with this annoying problem. Let’s take a look them.

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Save time with custom ribbons in Excel [tutorial]

Published on Aug 5, 2015 in Excel Howtos
Save time with custom ribbons in Excel [tutorial]

A significant portion of our time in Excel is spent navigating between various ribbon tabs and clicking buttons. Wouldn’t it be better if you can combine all the frequently used features in to one ribbon? Something like above:

Read on to learn how to create, edit and share custom ribbons in Excel.

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CP024: Customize Excel to boost your productivity

Published on Oct 30, 2014 in Chandoo.org Podcast Sessions, Learn Excel
CP024: Customize Excel to boost your productivity

In the 24th session of Chandoo.org podcast, let’s customize Excel so we become productive.

What is in this session?

Each of us use Excel in our own way. And yet, we all end up using the same Excel. That’s not fair. Shouldn’t the Excel of an accountant be different from Excel of a teacher?

In this podcast, lets understand some of the powerful & useful ways to customize Excel so that we can do our work better. Tune in only if you are serious about productivity.

You can get Excel Customization Handbook free. Listen to the podcast for instructions.

In this podcast, you will learn,

  • Announcements
  • Why customize Excel?
  • Customization options:
    • Excel Options
    • Quick Access Toolbar
    • Excel Ribbon
    • File menu / back stage view
    • Themes, styles & templates
    • Personal Macros
  • Closing thoughts & Bonus give away instructions
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How to add your own Macros to Excel Ribbon [quick tip]

Published on Feb 27, 2012 in Excel Howtos, VBA Macros
How to add your own Macros to Excel Ribbon [quick tip]

Do you know that in Excel 2010 you can create your own Ribbon tabs and add anything to them, including your own macros? Today, we are going to take a look at this useful feature and learn how to add your own macros as buttons to Excel Ribbon. Steps to Add your own macros to […]

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How would you customize Excel after installing? [poll]

Published on Feb 10, 2012 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
How would you customize Excel after installing? [poll]

Recently, I bought a new laptop, because my old Toshiba died down. After installing the OS and other necessary tools (like browser, skype etc.), I have installed Office 2010. Since Excel is my bread and butter, I like to customize it so that I can get more work done. So today,let me share how I […]

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How to Add your Macros to QAT or Excel toolbars?

Published on Jun 8, 2010 in Excel Howtos, VBA Macros
How to Add your Macros to QAT or Excel toolbars?

Ok, so you have written a shiny new macro to solve all the problems. The macro, solveWorldProblemsAndMakeSomeCoffee() sits nicely in your personalmacros.xlam file somewhere in C drive. You have also installed the macro as an add-in so that it is always available. But wait!!! How do you run your sWPAMSC everyday in the morning? (ok, […]

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Customize Excel ribbon – How-to guide, FAQs and Help

Published on May 20, 2010 in Excel Howtos
Customize Excel ribbon – How-to guide, FAQs and Help

Starting Excel 2010, you can finally customize the ribbon UI and define your own tabs or groups. This can be a huge productivity boost for people using MS Office applications. In this post, learn how to customize excel ribbon to improve your productivity.

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