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CP015: Handling big data, Controlling model railroad sets, Overcoming Excel obsession & more – ASK CHANDOO

Published on Jul 24, 2014 in Chandoo.org Podcast Sessions

In the 15th session of Chandoo.org podcast, lets answer some of your burning Excel questions.

Handling big data, Controlling model railroad sets, Overcoming Excel obsession & More - ASK CHANDOO

What is in this session?

Around last week, I invited you to ask me anything. More than 150 people responded to this call and sent in their questions. Since answering all the questions is not possible, I handpicked roughly 10 questions to answer in this episode of Chandoo.org podcast.

In this podcast, you will learn,

  1. How to fill blank cells with data from above
  2. How to work with Big data in Excel
  3. How to combine data from multiple sources & analyze it in Excel
  4. How I am managing my life after starting Chandoo.org
  5. How to create and distribute stand-alone Excel products
  6. How to control a model railroad set using Excel VBA (not fully answered)
  7. & more…
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MLB Pitching Stats Dashboard in Excel+VBA by our VBA Class Student

Published on Aug 10, 2011 in VBA Macros
MLB Pitching Stats Dashboard in Excel+VBA by our VBA Class Student

Nothing gives a teacher more satisfaction than seeing a student apply the knowledge to do something awesome. So naturally, I jumped with joy when I got this email from Dan, one of my VBA Class students,

Hi Chandoo,
After going thru your VBA Classes, I realized that we can lots of awesome stuff with pivot tables + simple macros. I recently created an Excel Dashboard to depict MLB (Major League Baseball) Pitching Stats. I could not have done this had I not learned VBA. Thank you so much for teaching the class.

I got curious and requested Dan, if I could share the file with you all. Being a lovely person, Dan agreed immediately.

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What are Pivot Table Report Filters and How to use them?

Published on Apr 20, 2011 in Pivot Tables & Charts
What are Pivot Table Report Filters and How to use them?

Today we will learn about Pivot Table Report Filters.

We all know that Pivot Tables help us analyze and report massive amount of data in little time. Excel has several useful pivot table features to help us make all sorts of reports and charts.

Report Filters are one such thing.

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