All articles with 'Indore' Tag

A very warm, cuddly and hugsy welcome to Pointy Haired Dilbert. I am happy to know that you are reading this. This is a blog about YOU becoming successful. It is all about understanding your data, making your charts better and improving the way you work using excel. Read this post to know more about this site.
Continue »As usual my alma mater had a rocking placement year with 95 companies giving 367 offers to 173 odd students, salaries seemed to have peaked to new highs with lots of excellent offers and opportunities for the marketing / BFS and consulting candidates. IT companies offered some of the lowest salaries on the batch, indicating […]
Continue »May their souls rest in peace. Two IIM-Indore students drownTwo IIM students drown in MP river
Continue »Its been 3 years since this blog is launched. well, slightly more than that as the very first post was published on July 1st, 2004, my first day at IIM Indore. What started as chronicles of an engineer struggling in a b-school later transformed in to a full-time commentary on business, advertising, technology and life […]
Continue »Big Bazaar’s Innovative Parking Scheme
Have you ever wondered how unbusinesslike it is when you stop by at a store to make them profitable they charge you for parking? You might say, “heh, but the parking space costs”, but why charge all of them when some of them eventually make profits for the retailer. Thats exactly how Big Bazaar in […]
Continue »“Hold on, hold on” the conductor shouted, “Nimmakuru yevarandi?” (who will be getting down at Nimmakuru?), he banged the door with the punching tool in his hand. The red bus came to a halt and we got down. I was clutching my granny’s hand tightly. She put her hand around my shoulder, I could hear […]
Continue »My alma mater has created another “world record in IIM Indore” with the summer placements for the class of 2008. Even though the press release is not out yet, we, alumni got a sneak peek at the report and all I can say its a massive hit. [Will place a link here once its released.] […]
Continue »Its been 2 years since I have posted such a message. A recent look at my website statistics revealed that most of the visitors are first timers, and quite a few of them land here searching one of the “iim”, “indore”, “iim indore blog”, “iimi” or “chandoo iim”. So, let me take a moment and […]
Continue »January, 2003:It was my engineering final year, campus was abuzz and everybody was hopeful and anxious since its placement time. CSE people have more opportunities naturally and we kept hearing about the companies that might visit the campus this year. Finally the first company was announced. India’s largest software services company it is. We were […]
Continue »it began rather innocently with hazaar expectations and 2 days before it ended with a grand are some photos of the convocation. [For more photos visit my Flickr Convocation Tag] Convocation Venue Robed Participants Happy me Proud graduates – Srick, Dejo and myself
Continue »Couple of things… – my stuff from indore hasnt arrived yet. thanks to safexpress folks. The excuse they gave is “we couldnt find the address”, God should only know why they are in the delivery business. – Been to my native place “machilipatnam” for a couple of days. Now you know why I didnt smell […]
Continue »Somestuff… I am leaving day after tomorrow. Madhu (comp), all the books and most of the clothes will be leaving tomorrow Planning a trip to Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and some other northeast destinations. May start from 16th March and go on till 29th march. The convocation is most probably on April !st. somebody said in […]
Continue »Schedule for the last 12 days… – 19th – Lateral placements batch party– 20th – 24th – end term exams– 23rd – farewell party– 25th – march 1st – placement week– march 2nd – another huge party– march 3rd – adios… :(( If there is anything done to reduce the pain of leaving this place […]
Continue »FLASH *** FLASH *** FLASH A sting operation by our highly inquisitive and talented team in Hanuman Tekri revealed that the famous B-school blog (:P) Pointy Haired Dilbert may be published from a new press in the days to come. Various cms/blogging software companies are believed to have approached the author in the hopes of […]
Continue »Yesterday I went to see the “Rang De Basanti” in Velocity. Everytime I go there I end up thinking about the youth in Indore. So, there I was watching the acclaimed performance by Aamir & co. There is quite a bit of appreciation of the movie from the audience with vigils and claps every now […]
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