More on placements, graduation etc.
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- I am leaving day after tomorrow. Madhu (comp), all the books and most of the clothes will be leaving tomorrow
- Planning a trip to Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and some other northeast destinations. May start from 16th March and go on till 29th march.
- The convocation is most probably on April !st. somebody said in bill board that “it proves that the entire MBA is a joke”, well… what can I say now 😉
- If you are a careful reader of PHD you must be knowing that I am interested in Marketing, indeed, I did apply to a couple of marketing companies, but they found my story difficult to buy.
- I may be starting off from may last week. There will be some training, probably in Lonavla.
- I will be based out of Hyderabad for most of March, April and May. Incase any of you are interested in having a chat about MBA, Career, Opportunities or just plain bakar, ping me on chandoo dot d at gmail dot com.
- For all I know this could be my last post from IIM Indore IP. No more 7.71 😉
- Last, the temporary version of wp based blog is running here. Will be shifting everything soon there. Still experimenting with layout, goodies etc.

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My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
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