
All articles with 'ideas' Tag

Create Cool Tag Clouds in Excel using VBA

Published on Apr 22, 2008 in Charts and Graphs, hacks, ideas, Learn Excel, technology

I was toying with the idea of creating a tag cloud in excel – as a form of new visualization, this could be useful when you have medium amounts of data (eg: 50-300 rows) and you want to emphasize on what is important and what is not. I would imagine using a tag-cloud, When you […]

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Do not disturb : I am scheduling a meeting

Published on Apr 16, 2008 in Humor, technology, wonder why

If there is one thing that Darwin’s theory of evolution cannot explain, it would be “why humans evolved to schedule meetings?” I am no qualified biologist. Heck I don’t even know a mulberry from blue-berry. But I have spent exactly 3.1415 hours yesterday alone scheduling exactly 1 meeting. This my dear reader, qualifies me to […]

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Focus on customers, not on your brand

Published on Apr 10, 2008 in america, business, ideas, pics, wonder why

Last night while looking for chocolate chip ice-cream, I couldn’t help but notice this perfect example of a “brand blinding the eyes of the manager so much that she neglects customers”. Take a look at the graters ice cream cups. Can you identify vanilla from chocolate chip from strawberry when all cups look like this. […]

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How to get more colors in excel chart – simple trick

Published on Apr 9, 2008 in Charts and Graphs, hacks, ideas, Learn Excel, technology

Here is a simple to trick to beat the 56 color limitation in excel when you are designing a chart: use picture files (jpg, gif, png etc.) to fill the chart area. You will no longer have to worry about limiting your project report / website / annual report etc. colors to the 56 that […]

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Google menu – does it lack common sense?

Published on Apr 8, 2008 in ideas, technology, wonder why

Dear Google: I must appreciate your efforts to make my online life as simple as scratching my forehead. You have so many services that whenever I visit a website that offers something spectacular I secretly wonder whether you are behind it. But, recently you started putting a nice menu on the top of your sites […]

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Change cell formats with find-replace in excel

Published on Apr 4, 2008 in hacks, ideas, Learn Excel, technology

Do you know that you can use excel find – replace dialog to change cell formats? Often we prepare a report or project plan and our boss or someone else in the team feels that all the red color cells need to change to blue or something similar, worry not, you can use find-replace (ctrl+h) […]

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73 Free Designer Quality Excel Chart Templates – Grab now and become a charting superman

Published on Mar 28, 2008 in All Time Hits, Charts and Graphs, Featured, Learn Excel

How many times you created a chart in Microsoft excel and formatted it for minutes (and sometimes hours) to reduce the eye-sore? Well, I will tell you my answer, its 293049430493 times 😉 Worry not! for you can become a charting superman (or elastigirl) by using these 73 free designer quality chart templates in literally […]

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Nike’s new “my better is better than your better” ad kicks a$$

Published on Mar 15, 2008 in advertising, america, business, ideas, media

Wow, I am impressed by the new Nike commercial “my better is better than your better | my power is more powerful than your power”. Watch the 30 second spot, listen to the words, arent they inspiring? Doesn’t the ad make you run faster, play harder or just do better whatever you are at. I […]

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The Art of Excel Charting

Published on Jun 27, 2007 in Charts and Graphs, hacks, Learn Excel

Yesterday while going through my feeds, I have landed on this post about the demographics and use-figures of various social networking (2.0) tools, et al (by businessweek) on think:lab blog. When I looked at the BusinessWeek’s graphical representation of demographics and usage figures of social networks, the first thought that came to me is, “well, […]

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