All articles with 'conditional formatting dates' Tag
5 Simple & Useful Conditional Formatting Tricks

Oh, I *LOVE* conditional formatting. It is such a powerful feature. In this post, let me share 5 of my favorite CF secrets with you all.
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Congratulations to you if your job does not involve dead lines. For the rest of us, deadlines are the sole motivation for working (barring free internet & the coffee machine in 2nd floor, of course). So today, lets talk about a very familiar problem.
How to highlight due dates in Excel?
The item can be an invoice, a to do activity, a project or anything. So how would you do it using Excel?
Continue »Avoid Hiring Boo-boos with Excel – COUNTIFS for the win [video]
![Avoid Hiring Boo-boos with Excel – COUNTIFS for the win [video]](
Imagine you are head of human resources at Casual Contracting Co. Every month you hire a lot of temporary staff who spend 1-4 months with CCC before leaving. Sometimes you hire the same people again. Of late, you have noticed a strange process gap. You are paying same person two (or more) salaries.
This is because you are hiring a person for new temp role even before their current one ended. See above picture.
So how to avoid making such hiring boo-boos.
Simple, using Excel of course.
Continue »![Monthly Planner Template [downloads]](
Here is an awesome planner template to help you manage activities over a month. It is useful for charity drives, activity planning, school schedules, marketing initiatives, project planning etc.
Read on to download a copy of the template & learn how to use it.
Continue »Highlighting Repeat Customers using Conditional Formatting [Part 2 of 2]
![Highlighting Repeat Customers using Conditional Formatting [Part 2 of 2]](
This is second part of 2 part series on conditionally formatting dates in excel.
Highlighting Repeat Customers using Conditional FormattingIn yesterday’s post we have learned how to conditionally format dates using excel. In this article, you will learn how to use these conditional formatting tricks to highlight repeat customers in a list of sales records.
Continue »Conditionally Formatting Dates in Excel [Part 1 of 2]
![Conditionally Formatting Dates in Excel [Part 1 of 2]](
This is first part of 2 part series on conditionally formatting dates in excel.
Conditional formatting is a very useful feature in Excel. You can use Conditional formatting to tell excel how to format cells that meet certain conditions. For eg. You can use conditional formatting to show all negative values in a range in red color. Today we will learn how to use conditional formatting to format dates.
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