
All articles with 'coffee' Tag

Save a quarter buck everytime you buy coffee at starbucks

Published on Sep 25, 2008 in food and drink, ideas, personal finance
Save a quarter buck everytime you buy coffee at starbucks

I am coffee drinker. And I love various types of coffee; be it the Chennai strong filter coffee or the medium-blend of Starbucks, I just love to sip a cupfull every morning. Since I love coffee so much I thought why not share a little secret about coffee buying with you all. Assuming you buy […]

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Here is a free idea for Starbucks

Published on May 14, 2008 in america, business, ideas, wonder why

A significant amount of my job work involves drinking copious amount of coffee while looking out the window. Ok, I am kidding 🙂 I wish my job involved all that, but I still drink a cup of coffee every workday (Weekends are obviously reserved for good old Filter Kaapi). Unfortunately I am forced to buy […]

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