All articles with 'christmas' Tag

We wish you a merry Christmas & very happy New Year 2013. May your holidays be filled with joy and warmth. And your new year with lots of hope, fun, strength and awesomeness.
I also want to tell you how thankful & fortunate I feel to have your support in this year. Your desire to learn Excel & become awesome at your work motivates me everyday to learn & share. 2012 is a memorable year because of you. Thank you.
Continue »Christmas & New year have always been our favorite holidays. Many of our relatives & friends visit us around this time. The weather is excellent. This year, it seems even more special. Nakshatra & Nishanth (our twins) are looking forward to this as much as we do. Plus, we are celebrating it in our new home. Feels magical.
We wish you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012.
I also want to tell you how thankful I am for your love, support & kindness. Everyday, I feel inspired knowing that I can share my knowledge, mistakes & passion with all of you. Thank you so much for your eagerness to learn from me, we have a home now, we get to spend time with our kids and do things we love & care. Thank you.
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Christmas & New year have a special place in our hearts. Around our household, we have the official festive season from September last week to February 2nd week. In these 5 odd months, we celebrate all our birthdays, our marriage anniversary, a lot of fun festivals, not to mention Christmas & New Year. This year, it is even more special because we have 2 noisy, hilarious & rowdy kids to share and multiply our joy.
We wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
I also want to tell you that how much thankful I am to you. Without you, I wouldn’t be spending this holiday season with my family. Because you find me useful, and support me thru your visits, purchases, comments & enthusiasm to learn that I have the courage to leave my day job to embark on this exciting journey called Thank you.
Continue »Make a Christmas Card, and you can Win a $50 Gift Card

Christmas is my favorite festival. It has certain magical feel to it. This year, it is going to be even more special, because we have 2 more hilarious, lovely people to share our joy with, not to mention over 16,000 of you to celebrate it with.
So naturally, I was excited when Fred suggested that we have a contest on this in our forums. So here we go.
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Christmas and New year have always been a magical time for us. Even though we end up being in 2 different countries for most of the Christmases, we always cherish the time. It has a special romantic significance too, I proposed to Jo shortly after new year in 2001 (and did it almost everyday until […]
Continue »Excel Links of the Week – PHD’s new tag line [Nov 24]
This is probably the 100th time I have changed this site’s tag line. So, it may not be a great news to you. But again, I need to say out this loud so that you, my dear reader, will know what this blog is going to stand for: Excel Tips, Charting Ideas and Visualization Oomph. […]
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