All articles with 'cell comments' Tag
Excel Formatting Tips – Gangnam Style [open thread]
![Excel Formatting Tips – Gangnam Style [open thread]](
Ever seen a glaring, over the top, wow-I-am-sooo-cool type of spreadsheet? Lets call them Gangnam spreadsheets!
Gangnam what?!?
If you have never heard about Gangnam style, do not worry. Just like you I too was living under a rock for about a week ago. Then I watched the awesome Gangnam style song. And now I am hooked. You can see it here.
What has all this got to do with Excel?
Oh I am coming to the point. One of the key ingredients of being awesome in Excel is,
To make our Excel workbooks communicate best by avoiding over the top formatting, unnecessary bells & whistles and focusing on what our users want.
But Excel being a feature rich software, it does have various so called Gangnam styles – superfluous 3d effects, formatting options, charting choices and as such.
Today, lets talk Excel formatting – Gangnam style
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We all know how to make comments on excel documents, just select the cell where you want a comment, press SHIFT+F2 and make the comment. But the comments are only visible when you open the workbook. What if you want to print out an excel file, but include all the comments as well?
Turns out you can do that with a hidden option in excel page setup.
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We all have atleast one story of how that one time the boss / co-worker / classmate / cat ruined the carefully crafted excel spreadsheet by mucking up the formulas or disturbing the formatting. Read this post to learn 10 awesome excel tips to make better and boss-proof excel sheets.
Continue »Pimp your comment boxes [because it is Friday]
![Pimp your comment boxes [because it is Friday]](
Excel comment boxes are a very useful feature, but the comment box look hasn’t changed since slice bread. So Tom, one of our readers, took it upon himself to revamp the comment box. He wrote a simple macro to botox, smoothen and color the comment box. It is a fun and simple macro, something that can make a boring spreadsheet friday a little more exciting.
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Excel has a very useful feature called “cell comments” using which you can add comment to a cell. This is a very good way to gather remarks and review comments when a workbook is shared with colleagues and others. But what if you have typed a ton of cell comments and now want a way to extract them and do something with that data?
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