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How to Print Excel Comments



We all know how to make comments on excel documents, just select the cell where you want a comment, press SHIFT+F2 and make the comment. But the comments are only visible when you open the workbook. What if you want to print out an excel file, but include all the comments as well?

Turns out you can do that with a hidden option in excel page setup.

To print excel comments:

  1. Go to Page Layout Ribbon > Click on “Print Titles” button. This opens the Page Setup dialog. (In excel 2003 you can just go to File > Page Setup)
  2. You should be in the “Sheet” tab, if not go there.
  3. Do you see that sneaky little box called as “comments”? Click on it and select how you want to print comments.
    Print Excel Comments
  4. You can print comments as they are shown or print them at the end in a separate page. The output will look like this:
    Print Spreadsheet Excel Comments - As shownPrint Spreadsheet Excel Comments - In a separate page

That is all. Now you know the trick to print excel spreadsheet comments.

More on excel comments: change the shape of excel comment box | pimp your comment boxes | extract comments using formulas

Learn more about printing & excel and quick excel tips.


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11 Responses to “How to Print Excel Comments”

  1. Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel) says:

    In XL2007, there is an alternate way to get to the Sheet tab on Page Setup dialog box... instead of clicking the Print Titles command button in the Page Setup group, try clicking on the very small "downward angled arrow in a box" icon located on the right side of the **title bar** for the Sheet Options group... clicking this will bring up the Page Setup dialog box with the Sheet tab already selected. Not all group title bars have this icon, but when it does, clicking it will bring up a dialog box related to that Ribbon group's functions.

  2. Chandoo says:

    @Rick.. hmm, I didnt realize that, thank you for sharing it with us.

  3. Madhav says:

    To print Alternate Pages in Excel.
    Import the following programme in Tools->Macros>VisualBasicEditor>Import the follwing Code and Run First Programe to print 1,3,5 ...
    Run the Second Programme to print 6,4,2
    Hence you can just print 1,3,5 ... first and put the sheets reverse and print again Reverse order.

    Sub PrintDoubleSidedWorking()
    Dim Totalpages As Long
    Dim pg As Long
    Dim oddoreven As Integer
    On Error GoTo enditt

    FirstPage = InputBox("FORWARD ALTERNATE PAGE PRINTING Enter First Page : ")
    LastPage = InputBox("FORWARD ALTERNATE PAGE PRINTING Enter Last Page : ")

    oddoreven = FirstPage
    Totalpages = LastPage

    For pg = oddoreven To Totalpages Step 2
    ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut From:=pg, To:=pg
    Next pg
    End Sub

    Sub PrintDoubleSidedReverseWorking()
    Dim Totalpages As Long
    Dim pg As Long
    Dim oddoreven As Integer
    On Error GoTo enditt

    FirstPage = InputBox("REVERSE ALTERNATE PAGE PRINTING Enter LAST Page : ")
    LastPage = InputBox("REVERSE ALTERNATE PAGE PRINTING Enter FIRST Page : ")

    oddoreven = FirstPage
    Totalpages = LastPage

    For pg = oddoreven To Totalpages Step -2
    ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut From:=pg, To:=pg
    Next pg
    End Sub

  4. Ninad Pradhan says:

    @Rick: Thanks for this tip.

  5. Elke says:

    Hi there

    I have been using the print comments at end of doc for a while, but was wondering if there was any way to display the "cell name" instead of Cell: H1 eg Cell: GroupAResult with GroupAResult being the name I gave the cell in the actual spreadsheet? Any help would be appreciated!

  6. Larry O says:

    I have Office/Exchange 2010 and only the Print comments at the end works. I can select the as displayed on page option, but when I preview or print, the comments are nowhere to be found.

    Any ideas?

  7. dele azeez says:

    very useful for me, thanks

  8. Jimmy says:

    For 2010 +, you need to do these steps first:

    Click the worksheet that contains the comments that you want to print.
    To print the comments in place on the worksheet, display them by doing one of the following:
    To display an individual comment, right-click the cell containing the comment, and then click Show/Hide Comments on the shortcut menu.
    To display all comments in the worksheet, on the Review tab, in the Comments group, click Show All Comments

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