All articles with 'blogging' Tag
GOOD NEWS, my wife has finally come to US yesterday. I am so happy. It was sad being away from her on our first marriage anniversary. But finally she came, her journey was safe and uneventful. Buy walmart shares if you can, now that I have shifted to a hotel bang in front of the […]
Continue »I get immense pleasure out of watching search phrase that point to my little blog. Recently some really weird search queries found their way to my blog, see for yourself, pointy growth inside nose, really? search breast enhancer in asian sky shop, no comments what is special in iim mba passout well, nothing except that […]
Continue »After moving the blog from the blogger to wordpress, my first challenge was to organize the posts for better discovery and search. I have done that by automatically generating tags and tagging posts using a bit of analysis and a bit of insanity. The next challenge was to redirect the traffic from the old blogger […]
Continue »As you all may know I have recently moved my blog from blogger to wordpress. Since I have started blogging way back in 2004 most of my posts were untagged. I have used blogger labels ever since they were introduced, still almost 400 of my posts were untagged. I had two options, Manually edit posts […]
Continue »I celebrated 2007 three and half hours earlier and now I am celebrating 2008 ten and half hours later than usual. But no complaints though. 2007 has seen me through lot of personal and professional changes, I got married, moved to a house in Thiruvanmiyur, purchased a small house for my bro in Hyderabad, got […]
Continue »My work has kept me both busy and moving for the last 6-8 weeks now. As part of that I had to travel again HK for another brief visit. I have come here yesterday and will be here till the end of this week. Hopefully I can get back to my normal life and blogging […]
Continue »We shifted, uneventfully that is. New house is demanding a considerable amount of travel, add to it lack of internet, that should explain the reason for nopost days. My plans for CalvinFund have taken a neat shape and currently the unbooked profits stand at 4-5%. But I am going to stop it and buy the […]
Continue »I know its been 14 something days since this blog is updated. But rest assured, its not without a reason. I have been busy with so many other activities that blogging just took a back seat. I have been to Hyderabad and Bangalore in the last 2 weeks, got our “Manmadhudu” delivered, busy at work […]
Continue »I wont be blogging till the end of this month. See you in February.
I am in Seoul, South Korea for some office work and would be here till the end of the year. I have started from Chennai today morning (00:15) and reached here more or less just now. My first impression of Seoul: This city is way too advanced. No wonder it is world’s technology/electronics leader. Chalo, […]
Continue »>>> Its raining in Chennai, like mad, for the last so many days now. I wonder whats going to come next. >>> My new phone, Sony Ericsson w550i is really cool. My telephonic needs have gone down drastically in the last few months, and I needed a new mobile to listen to music and have […]
Continue »Its been 2 years since I have posted such a message. A recent look at my website statistics revealed that most of the visitors are first timers, and quite a few of them land here searching one of the “iim”, “indore”, “iim indore blog”, “iimi” or “chandoo iim”. So, let me take a moment and […]
Continue »or chasing the mysical ithaca in the blogdom invain After installing wp on my blog for over 4-5 months, now I wanted to shift everything from blogger to here so that I can do fullstream blogging here. Well, it really isnt that easy porting my 370odd earlier posts here. Here is a list of all […]
Continue »Yeah, its going to be a very very happy weekend for me. Reasons? – Pointy Haired Dilbert aka finishes 2 years tomorrow, thats 730 days of non stop blogging.– I got my first salary post MBA today. Its party time.– 4 ‘eye feast’ like football matches– I should be able to find a place […]
Continue »Ay Kya karti TuAy Kya Main karoonSunSunaAati Kya KhandalaKya Karoon Aake Main KhandalaSeekhenge Padenge Nachenge ppt karengeTraining Karenge Aur Kya hehe, rather a poor attempt at mocking the old song. Nevertheless, I am going to Khandal for 4 weeks. My initial training program @ TCS will be conducted there. Hoping for lots of hills, serene […]
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