All articles with 'awesome' Tag
Red vs. Blue – 35 Cool Visualizations on 2008 US Presidential Election

With 2008 US Presidential elections around the corner everyone is busy including chart makers. There are hundreds of excellent visualizations on the presidential election campaign, speeches, issues, predictions that keeping track of what is best can be a tough task. We at PHD have compiled a list of 35 totally awesome visualizations on the 2008 […]
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Seattle Public Library’s Central branch not only boasts unique architecture but also world class visualizations of library data. On the level 5 of the building they have six large LCD display screens dedicated to provide visualizations of data like what people are reading, which books are checked out in the last hour etc. See them […]
Continue »The new Microsoft “Hi, I am PC” ads are supercool. Apple has been making fun of PC (and PC users) for while with the “I am PC, I am Mac” ads and the response from MS advertising team is nothing short of brilliant. With these simple & funny ads, they have changed the focus from […]
Continue »Look at the power of conversation. A fan posted on youtube showing an apparent glitch in Tiger Woods 08 video game that you can walk on water to hit a golf ball. What did Electronic Arts and Tiger Woods do? They post a response to that video advertising Tiger Woods 09 saying that “its not […]
Continue »When I was in school we had a maths teacher named BVN. He used to teach advanced math (like trigonometry, calculus) for class 7 onwards. We used to fear him a lot because he is the strictest of them all. Finally when I got to seventh I met him as a teacher. And boy, he […]
Continue »Awesome folks at flickr introduce instant zoom for photos
Wow, this is one of the coolest features on flickr, you can use instant zoom to see finer details of pics (the ones which have all sizes allowed for anyone).
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