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All articles with '2011' Tag

Best of Chandoo.org – 2011

Published on Dec 30, 2011 in blogging
Best of Chandoo.org – 2011

This year has been the most hectic since we started Chandoo.org. We had 178 posts, more than 7,500 comments & 10,000 forum posts. We have trained more than 2,500 students thru Excel school, VBA Classes & Financial Modeling Classes this year alone.

More than 3.5 million people visited our site this year, spending an average of 2:30 minutes per visit, consuming a whopping total of 10.5 million page views. Just to give you a comparison, last year (2010), we had 1.5 million people visiting 5.5 million pages. We have also added 17,000 more RSS / Newsletter members this year. It is a hectic year for the site.

To wrap up the wonderful year, I want to share a list of posts that most of you loved.

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People & Websites that Helped me in 2011 [Thank you message]

Published on Dec 28, 2011 in blogging

2011 has been the most awesome year since we started Chandoo.org.

Without doubt, the credit goes to our community – that is you.

I feel very fortunate to have you in our community. You inspire me to learn & share. I know I said this several times, but everytime, I feel like I have not done enough. Thank you so very much.

Apart from our little community, I feel thankful to many others, who have helped me through out 2011 to make you awesome in Excel. In this post, I am highlighting them & expressing my gratitude.

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Excel Links – What are your plans for 2011?

Published on Jan 3, 2011 in excel links, personal

Wish you a happy new year and Welcome back to Chandoo.org. So how did you celebrate the new year’s eve? We put the kids to sleep early and partied till 1. Next day, we took them to a park. The kids loved grass, trees and ran like wind. What about you? As for the new […]

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2011

Published on Dec 23, 2010 in blogging, personal
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2011

Christmas & New year have a special place in our hearts. Around our household, we have the official festive season from September last week to February 2nd week. In these 5 odd months, we celebrate all our birthdays, our marriage anniversary, a lot of fun festivals, not to mention Christmas & New Year. This year, it is even more special because we have 2 noisy, hilarious & rowdy kids to share and multiply our joy.

We wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

I also want to tell you that how much thankful I am to you. Without you, I wouldn’t be spending this holiday season with my family. Because you find me useful, and support me thru your visits, purchases, comments & enthusiasm to learn that I have the courage to leave my day job to embark on this exciting journey called chandoo.org. Thank you.

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