People & Websites that Helped me in 2011 [Thank you message]
2011 has been the most awesome year since we started
Without doubt, the credit goes to our community – that is you.
I feel very fortunate to have you in our community. You inspire me to learn & share. I know I said this several times, but everytime, I feel like I have not done enough. Thank you so very much.
Apart from our little community, I feel thankful to many others, who have helped me through out 2011 to make you awesome in Excel. In this post, I am highlighting them & expressing my gratitude.
People who helped me in 2011:
Teachers & Gurus:
Running a business, website & family requires a lot of motivation, fresh ideas & learning. Thanks to several wonderful teachers & inspiring individuals who gave me the strength I need this year.
Excel & Visualization Teachers:
Jon Peltier, Dick Kusleika, Debra Dalgleish, Mike Alexandar, Daniel Ferry, Stephen Few, Jorge Camoes, Robert Mundigl, Hui, Jimmy, Paresh, Gregory, Francis, Vijay and many more.
Business & Motivation
Pamela Slim, Andy Sernovitz, Seth Godin, Darren Rowse, Yaro Starak, JD Roth, Avinash, Brandon Pearce, Alok, Pat and many more.
This year, I had the fortune of reading several inspiring, life changing books. Thank you so much to these wonderful authors.
- Napolean Hill Think & Grow Rich
- Jim Collins Good to Great
- Tim Ferris 4 Hour Workweek
- Thomas Stanley & William Danko Millionaire Next Door
- Michael Gerber E-myth Revisited
- John Walkenbach Excel 2010 Power Programming & Excel 2010 Bible
- Barbara Demick Nothing to Envy
And many other…
Note: All the book links to Amazon are affiliate links. That means, if you purchase something after clicking on them, I get a few cents 🙂
Affiliates & Partners
To make successful, I collaborate with many great minds in this industry. These are remarkable people who enjoy my success as much they enjoy theirs’. Some of these remarkable people are,
Dashboard Spy, Fabrice Rimlinger, Kevin Lehrbass, Hui, Paramdeep Singh, Danielle Stein Fairhurst, Jimmy Pena, Francis Hayes, Philip Pracht, Ken Puls, and many more.
Special thanks to Guru & IIPD team in Maldives, SHRI Academy in Singapore for helping me in my international workshops. Also, Thanks to Prof. Henrik from Aalborg University (Denmark) for having his entire class sign-up for Excel School. Thanks to ActiKnow consulting for helping me with some of the consulting work.
Customers & Readers
This year, more than 4,000 of you blessed me with your product purchases from More than 34,000 of you are now part of our RSS / Newsletter community. Many more continue to join us each day. Thank you so much for inviting me in to your life & taking time to learn from me.
I am also thankful to our Excel forum members. This year, many more of you have become regulars and shared your knowledge with all of us. Fred, Narayank, Hui, Vijay, Luke, asa, SirBJ, oldchippy, prasaddn, Indian & many others continue to be active and selfless. Thank you.
Our Staff
I could not have many of the things I did this year with out help of my lovely staff. Thanks to,
- Ravindra: for helping with various training enrollments, emails & customer service
- Vijay: for teaching VBA
- Sameer: for answering student doubts in training programs
- Chittibadrayya: for taking care of all the book-keeping & accounting aspect of our business
Websites & Companies that helped me in 2011
I am thankful to Microsoft for making Excel so awesome.
I am also thankful to,
Email & Productivity: Google, iPhone
Website, Hosting & E-commerce: WordPress, GoDaddy, Wishlist Member, Amazon, PayPal, E-Junkie, 2Checkout, EBS
Community & Connection: Twitter, Facebook, Skydrive
Software: Paint.NET, Mozy, Notepad ++, Camtasia, Skype
There are many other software, companies and websites that help me every day. I am really thankful to each and every one of these.
Last but not least…,
Many thanks to my lovely family. With out you, none of this matters. Your love, laughter, kindness & support is invaluable.
PS: Here is one last Excel tip for this year. Open Excel, go to A1 and type,
=UPPER( MID(ADDRESS(1,2^4*3*11),2,2) & BIN2HEX(1010) & CHAR(DEGREES(ASIN(1))+20) & MID(ADDRESS(1,BIN2DEC(100110111)),2,2) & CHAR(REPT("1",3)) & CHAR(6^2+9^2) )
and press enter to see what I mean 🙂

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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31 Responses to “People & Websites that Helped me in 2011 [Thank you message]”
Dude.. nice formula.. but it only works in 2007 not in 2003 and below versions.
Wish you a very happy new year in advance
Hi Chandoo
Just wanted to say thank YOU for your great work on this website. Like you I love Excel and I am so looking forward to trying out alot of the advanced stuff you have here in the classroom 🙂 . Thanks for sharing your knowledge and I think YOU will be one of my role models for 2012. Anne
Thank you Chandoo .. Wish you a very Happy New Year!!
Excel below 2007 only has 256 Columns
Chandoo's formula requires more
A similar Excel 2003 version may be:
=UPPER( MID(ADDRESS(1,2^4+4),2,1) & MID( ADDRESS(1, 2^4-8), 2, 1) & BIN2HEX(1010) & CHAR( DEGREES( ASIN(1)) +20) & MID( ADDRESS(1, BIN2DEC(1011)), 2, 1) & MID(ADDRESS(1, BIN2DEC(11001)), 2, 1) & CHAR(REPT("1",3)) & CHAR(6^2+9^2))
Thank you Chandoo & Happy new Year. (its people like you who make working in excel fun & informative same time) Wish you all the best
To Chandoo , Hui , Luke , and all of the others from whom I continue to learn ,
Thanks. Wish all of you a Happy New Year.
Thank you Chandoo.. I was almost losing interest but your email with thank you note which included even my name although I have made only a very small contribution, has encourage me again to be actively involved in sharing my little knowledge.
Thank you again... and Wish you happy new year 2012.
Hi Chandoo,
have you a portuguese version (im from Brasil) ? I can't put in the excel because the language...
Thanks a lot! Great Job!
Thank you Chandoo .. Wish you a very Happy New Year!!
Wishing you Happy New Year.
Yes boss,
doing a great job.
and one more thing i want to say you "Happy New Year".
Your formula = grin from ear to ear! Blessings on your new year, Chandoo, and to the community as well! - Asa
And thanking you especially Chandoo - made even better with an Aust. test win over India today 🙂
Formula's still not working in excel 2003. Can't figure out the error.
And thanks for the awesome tips and Happy new year to all of you!
Thank you Chandoo. Wish you a very Happy New Year!!!
Thank you Chandoo, I got introduced your website this year. I am very happy to have you in favourite list. You helped me lot.
Wish you a very Happy New Year 2012 🙂
If you copied my 2003 formula above make sure you re=type all the " 's as "
A similar Excel 2003 version may be:
=UPPER( MID(ADDRESS(1,2^4+4),2,1) & MID( ADDRESS(1, 2^4-8), 2, 1) & BIN2HEX(1010) & CHAR( DEGREES( ASIN(1)) +20) & MID( ADDRESS(1, BIN2DEC(1011)), 2, 1) & MID(ADDRESS(1, BIN2DEC(11001)), 2, 1) & CHAR(REPT("1",3)) & CHAR(6^2+9^2))
Happy new year to all of you. I never thought Excel will be my life, but I am loving it now. I love the work you guys do. You have made learning excel a fun for me. Thank you for that. A very happy new year to all of you.
And many thanks to you too Chandoo,
you have provided much food for thought over the months (or even years) that I have been reading your site. Much Much appreciated,
best wishes to you.
To all at CHADOO.ORG - Have a great new Year. Thank you for all you have done for me so far. I can't wait for what I will learn in 2012 from you all.
Take Care
Regards Chandoo from Argentina. The tip doesnt work in spanish Excel 2003 🙁
I'm also trying to get the 2003 formula to work. Excel's reporting a problem with the formula on the "amp" section.
@John, Sarin, Aditya, All
This is working for me in Excel XP:
=UPPER( MID(ADDRESS(1,2^4+4),2,1) & MID( ADDRESS(1, 2^4-8), 2, 1) & BIN2HEX(1010) & CHAR( DEGREES( ASIN(1)) +20) & MID( ADDRESS(1, BIN2DEC(1011)), 2, 1) & MID(ADDRESS(1, BIN2DEC(11001)), 2, 1) & CHAR(REPT("1",3)) & CHAR(6^2+9^2) )
Seems wordpress scrambled bits of my formula
Anyway retype the two " characters towards the end, around the 1, as well
Thanks Hui;
Now it's working just right. Thank You!
Thank you Chandoo, your innovations are very inspiring for me. thanks for sharing your knowledge with us
Dear Chandoo,
Thank you very much for your generous sharing and helping for last years.
Hope you have a wonderful and healthy 2012!
Hi Chandoo
Thank you very much its our pleasure in associate with you
Happy New Year... Geart work keep rocking
Hey Thanks, feels a little bit proud....
I had also tried 🙂
=PROPER(MID(ADDRESS(1,528),2,2)&MID(ADDRESS(1,1051),2,3)&(CHAR(DEGREES(ASIN(1))+25))&" "&MID(ADDRESS(1,1),2,1)&" "&MID(ADDRESS(1,8522),2,3)&" "&CHAR(33))
Me too
=PROPER(MID(ADDRESS(1,528),2,2)&MID(ADDRESS(1,1051),2,3)&(CHAR(DEGREES(ASIN(1))+25))&" "&MID(ADDRESS(1,1),2,1)&" "&MID(ADDRESS(1,12),2,1)&CHAR(REPT("1",3))&MID(ADDRESS(1,20),2,1)&" "&CHAR(33))
Your last tip is awesome!!!
=UPPER( MID(ADDRESS(1,2^4*3*11),2,2) & BIN2HEX(1010) & CHAR(DEGREES(ASIN(1))+20) & MID(ADDRESS(1,BIN2DEC(100110111)),2,2) & CHAR(REPT("1",3)) & CHAR(6^2+9^2) )