Quickly filter a table by combination of selected cell values using VBA
Filtering is one of the most used feature in Excel. It is a quick way to take lots of data and narrow down to the subset we want.
But here is one common filtering scenario that is slow as snail.
Imagine you are looking at some sort of sales data (if you can’t imagine, look at the above demo).
Now, you want to filter this list for gender=male, profession=self-employed, product category = chocolates and quantity = 1.
If you use the right click, filter > filter by selected value approach, this will take several clicks.
Wouldn’t it be cool if you can select the entire combination and say filter?
Unfortunately, no such feature exists in Excel.
But you are not aiming to be ordinary in Excel. You are aiming to be awesome in Excel. That means, you don’t take no for answer.
Fortunately, we can quickly write a VBA macro that filters a list by selection. So let’s do that.