
2013 Calendar – Excel Template [Downloads]



Here is a New year gift to all our readers – free 2013 Excel Calendar Template.

FREE 2013 Calendar - Excel Template - Download today

This calender has,

  • One page full calendar with notes, in 4 different color schemes
  • Daily event planner & tracker
  • 1 Mini calendar
  • Monthly calendar (prints to 12 pages)
  • Works for any year, just change year in Full tab.

See more snapshots here: 2013 Calendar template snapshot 1, snapshot 2

Download 2013 Calender – Excel File

Click below links to download the calendar you want:

How does this Calendar work?

This is the same file as 2012 calendar with the year changed. The new feature is event planner. So I will explain that alone.

  • First take a look at either 2011 calendar or 2012 calendar pages to see how the basic calendar is constructed.
  • In the daily events tab, we have full calendar for 2013 (or any other specified year) listed one day per row (so maximum rows are 366).
  • Each day can be marked as one of the 4 types of events – Important , Anniversary, Holiday or Vacation.
  • When you mark a day with either of these 4 events, in an extra column, a formula determines which event it is and places a number (between 1 to 5 – 1 for Important, 2 for Anniversary … 5 for no event)
  • Back in the full calendar, we use conditional formatting to color a day based on what number is associated with it in daily planner.
    Conditional Formatting Rules in 2013 Excel Calendar template
  • COUNTIF formulas are used to count how many days are marked as Important, Anniversary or Holiday and summarized in the full calendar view.

Go ahead and enjoy the download. The file is unlocked. So poke around the formulas and named ranges. Learn some Excel.

More Calendar Downloads:

Download these additional calendar templates and start your new year in awesome fashion!

2012 Calendar, 2011 Calendar, New Year Resolution Tracker, Picture Calendar Template and Todo list template

Techniques used: INDEX | OFFSET| INDIRECT | Array FormulasUsing Date & Time in Excel | Conditional Formatting


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    63 Responses to “2013 Calendar – Excel Template [Downloads]”

    1. Dibyendu Sharma says:

      Good one Chandoo!!




    2. Bhavik says:

      Nice 1.

    3. Jignesh says:


    4. Harold says:

      simple always rocks inside ! ! !

    5. Manoj Gupta says:


    6. Krishna says:

      Great work chandu

    7. madhu says:

      hi Chandoo
      i have a question - while this is an great calendar template, do you have one where the text/event appears in the the Monthly Calender (the one which prints to 12 pages)

    8. Sunny says:

      Thanks! Awesome gift.

    9. Lisa says:

      Not seeing the monthy calendar in this download. Just the 12 month, daily & mini.

    10. Jason says:

      Hi Chandoo

      I have added the monthly calendar also to the events calendar. It is an awesome spreadsheet, thanx! One question as above, what is the quickest way to have the days coloured (maybe labelled?) for each monthly calendar to reflect the event colours of the 'full' tab? Looking for the quickest way to copy across the conditional formatting to the monthly tab also. 

      Thank again

      • Chandoo says:

        @Jason: thanks. Since you and many others have asked for it, I modified the event  calendar to show monthly calendars with event colors too. Download it from here:


        Regarding your question:

        The quickest way to apply CF to monthly calendars is,

        1. Apply CF rules for 3 color shadings (vacations in blue, anniversaries in pink and important in orange) for Jan 2013 month alone.
        2. Then Edit the rules for Jan 2013 in CF rule manager screen.
        3. Change the range of cells for which this CF should be applied to and include ranges for rest of months by holding CTRL and selecting these additional ranges.
        4. Click apply.


        • Jason says:

          Thanks Chandoo! Much appreciated. I also just modified the event calendar myself to show calendars with events colours. I worked out how to merge the CF across to the Monthly calendar with no issues 🙂


    11. Vandana says:


    12. Laxman Bhasoriya says:

      Excellent... work..
      Good work Dear Chandoo.
      Thank you..

    13. indzara says:

      Thanks for building such a great resource and community on Excel. 
      My calendar is also focussed on events and holidays. User can enter up to 100 personal events that will be displayed on the calendar and also highlighted using conditional formatting. In addition, U.S. holidays are calculated and highlighted.
      The calendar can be customized for any year, starting with any month, and the week can start with any day.
      Available here: http://indzara.blogspot.com/2013/01/custom-printable-calendars-built-in.html
      Feedback from this great community is welcome. Thanks.

    14. Nancy says:

      This is awesome, thank you!
      How do I change the titles of the event types?  Probably pretty basic, but I am far from being an Excel guru.  I love that it keeps count of the event types used in the notes area, it is great for keeping track of vacation time used.

    15. dIEGO says:

      I was looking for it 4 a long time. I need this!!
      I change the colors and the labels to make it works in spanish
      Have a question
      How can i modify to have Mondays as first day of the week instead Sundays? 

      thank you so much!

    16. Francesco says:

      Very useful resource, would be nice to collaborate with you on my new photo calendar website http://calendar.pdfcreations.com to customize events on pdf layouts.

    17. amiel says:

      your calendar helps me find certain at everything on my daily plans,  right on my workbook. thanks a lot.

    18. Denice Longshaw says:

      Chandoo.  This is fantastic.  A nice addition to the new 2013 calendar.    Thanks for sharing the data and as usual THANKS.

    19. slotbandit says:

      Hi Chandoo,
      Could you please let me know how to change your nice calendar just to have Monday as first day instead of Sunday ? Or can you please upload version with starting with Monday ? 
      Would appreciate this a lot !
      Great work btw !!

    20. raghurama bahlan says:

      Hi CHandoo
      really good job,you are the best ,i will pass to visit you nexet week i m raghurama bahlan.

    21. slotbandit says:

      anyone can help ? how to set Monday as first in Chandoo calendar ??

    22. Mo says:

      Hey i was just wondering how can i change the daily drop down menu to

    23. DAV says:

      is it possible (or simple) to have the calendar start with a different month?

    24. Patricia says:

      This is great!! I have MS excel 2010. I am trying to make a dropdown calendar. Having the toughest time with this. Co worker has MS Excel 2003 Same issue. Do you have something already made?  Would appriciate it!!

    25. Jason says:

      This is fantastic, is there an academic version that goes from august '13 - July '14?

    26. [...] If your events span several months, then you can use formulas to generate calendar. [...]

    27. Hemant Rathi says:

      Dear Chandu,
      Really Awesome
      but I wnat to know how it convert or make 2014 calender, Pls give me suggestions.
      This is particular item which i saw last 6 month but you prove it again that you are chandu.
      Thanks Again
      Hemant Rathi

      • daws122 says:

        change 2013 to 2014 on the same spread sheet and everything changes.

      • Hemant Rathi says:

        Dear Chandoo,

        In this Excel Calender If i set up event date then it does not show in calender's particular date.

        Pls check and confirm me.



    28. JohnC_UK says:

      Have you looked at the month of February when you change the year to 2026?
      The first week is all blank.

    29. Kumar says:

      Hi, this template is very good. Thanks for sharing it across. I need one more modification. When we click on the date on the one page full calander, can it show the event planned on that day!

      Right now, the color of the day is changed to show the event but we need to browse to daily calander for looking at the event. Is it not!

      I also wanted to have notes column in the monthly calander so that we can record the daily tasks there.

      Thanks again,

    30. Misha says:

      Thank you! Beautiful gift

    31. Lea says:

      This is a fantastic tool - i was wondering if there was anyway to add more events or separate the combination of Vacation and Holiday?

      • indzara says:

        Please take a look at my all-purpose calendar maker and let me know if that addresses your question. You can add up to (any) five types of events. In addition, weekends are also highlighted. You can customize the weekend dates too. You can add multiple events to a single day. However, I have limited the template to only 100 events as all the events have to be displayed on the 12 month calendar.

        There is more customization available in the template. I hope you find it useful.


    32. maddy says:

      I have the same question as Lea but with further additions. i.e. is there a way to :
      1. Add multiple events to a single date
      2. Show all the events in the Calendar with the corresponding colour in that cell (i.e. if there is a public holiday, birthday, and anniversary all on the same day, can it get reflected in the calendar)
      3. if i were to add a list of events (e.g. public holidays) to the list; can i update the list chronologically again


      • indzara says:

        Hello Madhu,

        Please see my comment above for my response to Lea's question. In my all-purpose calendar maker excel template, you can add up to (any) five types of events and each type is assigned a different colour. You can add multiple events to a single day. If multiple events happen on the same day and they belong to different event types (for example, holiday and birthday), the colour of the higher priority event type is displayed on the calendar. You control the priority (for example, birthday over holiday) in the template.

        I couldn't understand your third question. Please explain.


    33. maddy says:

      Hi Indzara
      Thank you for the template. its closer to what i need barring 1 thing.
      Currently the cell with the Date changes colour based on priority set for the event. But i need the actual cell with the event to be colour-coded. So if I have 3 events on the same day then each cell should be coloured differently and i'll have 3 different coloured cells for the same date.

      • indzara says:

        Hello Maddy,
        Thanks. I would like to make sure that I understand your question. On my 12 month calendar (which prints on one page), I display all the event names and dates on the right side of the calendar. I also display the type of event, but I don't colour-code them. Is that what you are referring to? If so, that can be easily done. I chose not to do that, because I thought it would be too distracting to have so many cells coloured (with different colours) on one page. Please let me know.

    34. Hemant Rathi says:

      Dear Chandoo,

      Calender is awesome but......

      I have download this calender and also set the event but i could not be able to get when i click on selected date.

      Pls tell me complete way to process it.



    35. maddy says:

      Hi Indzara
      I mean i need the cells to reflect the colour in the "Monthly_Calendar". At the moment only the cell with the Date changes colour, but i need the cell with the event to change colour too.

    36. Hemant Rathi says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I Download the calender but i face problem and that is:::
      If i set a event or important date by set up date then i am not be able to find on calender that event,

      Say i set for 19th july Birthday then icheck in calender then no alert oe message show.

      Pls sort out my problem so i can use the same.


      Hemant Rathi

    37. daws122 says:

      How did you set the boarders? On the Full tab it doesn't go beyond column AC? How did you do that?

    38. Hemant Rathi says:

      Dear Chandoo,

      Your Calendar is awesome,
      But i want to know that if i set up a event in a particular date then event should be display on front of calendar ie. highlighted or display seprately; I have tried but could not see, so pls check and revert me.

      Thanks & Regards


    39. Jimmy says:

      this is so efin good!

    40. Bird says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      Your calendar excel is awesome! But if I would like to change marked color in each condition in daily. How to do it?
      Thank you.

      The best regards,


    41. jon says:

      Whilst having events highlighted i still found that i was using the daily tab to see what they are.
      On the Daily tab I added a row count on todays date
      then added some an offset for the next 30 days
      and an offset for the next 30 "notes"
      (this removes the 0 from the next step)
      Then picture linked these to the front page. Now everyday i can see what is coming up in the next month

    42. Val says:

      this may be late in the year, but i was looking for calendars and came across a few of which, this one totally rocks.. Thanks Chandoo!

    43. Liam says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      That looks great. Is there a way to set up a CF formula for a bi-weekly week pay schedule? 🙂 Many thanks if you could help me on this!

    44. Suraj says:

      Hi Mr. Chandoo,

      I am a beginner in excel. So please excuse my stupid questions:

      1. I have downloaded this calender; but when I am clicking the highlighted dates events are NOT coming below the "Notes"...

      2. What I have to do to change "important" "Vacation", "Holiday" etc to something else?


    45. Mel says:

      Hey! This is a great calendar!

      I was wondering if there's an easy way to view the notes on the events when you click on the cell in the full calendar tab.


    46. Brianna says:

      How do I get out of edit mode so I can actually use the buttons?

    47. Arun says:

      How do I add one more event in the calendar like Public holidat

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