Archive for May, 2008
Often we work with large data sheets and it becomes tedious if you want to compare data / formulas etc. You can try split (menu > window > split or alt+w+s) to break the sheet in to two. But there is another cool thing you can do, open a new window for the spreadsheet. Just […]
Continue »Here is an inspirational read on Richard Feynman. Have you ever noticed that almost all the great people are humble and fun loving. It just amazes me whenever I read or know about these great people who solved world problems with a smile on their face and yet remained so down to earth.
Continue »During our recent visit to NY I have been to the famous Brooklyn Bridge and I clicked photos till my fingers itched. Here are some of them, let me know if you have any review comments 🙂 I couldnt carry my tripod though, some of the pics became real blurry at original resolution.
Continue »Excel concatenate() is seriously crippled, it can add 2 or more strings together, as long as they are supplied as separate parameters. This means, when you have a range of cells with text which you want to add up to create a large text, you need to write an ugly looking biggish concatenate() or use […]
Continue »We are going to big apple on this weekend, its going to be a really long drive, almost 1000 miles both ways put together, I will see if I can post something while resting, but don’t hope to see anything here for the next 3 days. You have an excellent weekend, drive carefully – more […]
Continue »Rat rides cat, cat rides dog, that rides on your t-shirt I am just numbed seeing this outrageous hilarity in the name of news making and selling on CNN, apparently you can buy t-shirts for some of the hand picked news items on CNN by clicking the t-shirt icon next to headline link on their […]
Continue »It has been a while since I wrote a welcome post to my readers, so here again. Pointy Haired Dilbert – is a blog about technology, business, data analytics, excel, photography, advertising and my life. I am Chandoo, an excellent donut eater, coffee drinker extraordinaire, blogger beyond reform, crappy coder, lousy manager, happy husband, […]
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One of the most frequent tasks for any manager is “planning”, be it putting together a hiring schedule or designing a jumbo jet, it all starts with a simple project plan and gantt chart is simple and intuitive representation of the same. But how to make a gantt chart in excel without writing too many […]
Continue »I came across this brilliant ad from Citibank advertising their metro card for Delhi metro, see it yourself. I have taken Delhi metro first time during my summer internship in 2005. The system was excellent even at that time. I felt proud riding a world class air conditioned carriage from my hotel to the heart […]
Continue »Wow, Rediff actually published this article on how hairstyles make successful CEOs So much fuzz over a complait fluff is sTRESSing me… PS: do read the comments on that page for additional entertainment 🙂
Continue »A significant amount of my job work involves drinking copious amount of coffee while looking out the window. Ok, I am kidding 🙂 I wish my job involved all that, but I still drink a cup of coffee every workday (Weekends are obviously reserved for good old Filter Kaapi). Unfortunately I am forced to buy […]
Continue »clone_s, originally uploaded by Chandoo. Shot this as an experiment, what do you think?
Continue »Ever since writing the create in-cell pie charts in excel, I have been itching to find a simple enough method to do incell bar graphs. An in-cell bar would probably be more useful and cuter than an in-cell pie as it can instantly provide trending details. What more, these would probably look gorgeous when printed […]
Continue »We went to Hocking hills state park during the weekend, hiked a few miles, had tons of fun watching waterfalls, caves, cliffs, rare plants and infinite greenery. The trip has been thoroughly grinding with almost every place looking spectacular and lengthy. We couldn’t really visit all the attractions as both of us were feeling totally […]
Continue »Spotted these two rather well done ads starring Dhoni. The ads glorify lungi-clad, wild-dancing, movie-loving Tamil spirit while promoting carbonated sweetened beverages and mechanized time indicators. Dhoni Pepsi ad: Dhoni Sonata ad: However well done these ads are, I must admit that you will never probably see anything close to what is depicted in the […]
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