Archive for December, 2004
Hi readers… I will be on vacation from yesterday. seriously i am on vacation. so i wont be updating this space. Read this story from Kiruba. very touching indeed. The message is clear. Please help the victims by watever extent you can. It does make a difference. One early morning, an old man noticed […]
Continue »Please help the Tsunami survivors and those who suffered the attack. Visit and donate whatever you can. My prayers to those who suffered from it. May God bless us.
Continue »only financial management exam is left. its going to be a 60% objective and 40% descriptive exam. quite some material is there for reading. but the feeling that vacation will start in a matter of hours time is exciting everyone. Junta are in major chillout mood today and yours truly is no exception. Todays exams […]
Continue »well.. thats the number of hours before term2 ends. That means HOLIDAYS !!!I am all excited thinking about them. Feeling like a kid again. May be that is why they call this place a school and not college. Tada! me off to exam now.
Continue »came across this little poem while reading the research methods textbook. Felt like sharing it. I keep six honest serving men,(they taught me all I knew)Their names are What, and Why, and When,and How, and Where, and Who. – Rudyard Kipling, Just So Stories
Continue »I am suffering from a bad headache. I could complete only 1 chapter so far from evening. There are some 15 more to go :D. May be a small blogging break will do the magic and restore my concentration. hence this post. These days whenever 2 people meet one of them asks the other “Kaisa […]
Continue »while the PGP1 is busy comprehending the intricacies of monetary policy, STP and Okun’s Law the PGP2 has organized wonderful christmas celebrations lastnight. Take a look at some snaps. Santa on the hill Our dear christmas tree SP the man behind the santa PGP2 folks with christmas gifts Somewhere else i have completed 2 exams […]
Continue »I wish you all a very happy christmas. May all your wishes come true.
Continue »I could not blog as i promised. but cant help it. I am damn busy with preps and otherstuff. just to give you a glimpse of situation we have 2 endterm exams tomorrow and I had to make a presentation in the class. Now we have 2 quizzes starting from 3pm. and of all the […]
Continue »Last 2 days of have been slightly hectic with one presentation and the impending endterms. Yeah, i know that i am talking too much about these end terms. But that is what you feel at times. anyways i am not complaining there are some chaos about leaking the CAT results (height of illogical […]
Continue »outLOGgingDont worry. it is not a new trend on the www. It is just my new blog on outsourcing. I am not gonna raise the support BPO in India type of issues there. Rather the blog will give links to some of the articles in the news on outsourcing and may be discuss the articles. […]
Continue »Note: This post assumes minimum knowledge of cost accounting terminology. Also anything that has ‘account’ in it written by an engineer would be highly sarcastic. You are warned! Scene 1 (Location: our very own parliament house, Time: just after a loksabha winter session)Speaker: (Sigh!) another round of mindless damage to this house. Last year during […]
Continue »Relax.. I am not gonna write about this. Rather see this link. Its just awesome.
Continue »and why not? – had a decent MAC exam. may be a BNEG. or may be a B. But now that i have seen the learning no point bothering about the GP. That translates into the famous Bschooler line ‘1 down, 7 more to go’ – Listening to ‘Aahista Aahista’ from Swades. I just love […]
Continue »been to mess to have some maggi and cha just now. Tomorrrow we have a presentation of derivative instruments (options and futures). Most of us(?) are working on it. When i met ashwin infront of mess he told me this hilarious line. “Fuck the future. You dont have options“ b2b.
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