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Analyzing half a million consumer complaints [Part 1 of 3]
![Analyzing half a million consumer complaints [Part 1 of 3]](
How would you analyze data when you have lots of it? That is the inspiration for this series.
Let’s meet our data – Finance Industry Consumer Complaints
As part of open data initiatives, US government & Consumer Financial Protection Bureau maintain a list of all consumer complaints made against financial institutions (banks, credit unions etc.) You can download this data from the catalog page here. I have obtained the data on 1st of February, 2016. The download has 513,824 records. Each row contains one complaint.
In this and next two parts of the series, we are going to analyze these half a million complaints to find insights.
Continue »Excel Links – What are your plans for 2010 Edition

So we are in 2010, dawn of a new decade. In fact everyday is a start of new decade, as my friend Jon reflects on twitter. So what are your plans for this year and decade? As for me, I haven’t really jotted down any new year resolutions. So I am using this post as […]
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9 charting tricks you can use to make your pie charts likable
Continue »Featured Visualizations – Jan 02

Every week Pointy Haired Dilbert celebrates visualization and info-graphics by showcasing some of the creative and fun charting work from around the web. Have inspiration and fun. Browse hundreds of fun visualization and graphics projects in archives.
Newsmap is a creative and fun way to look at news. They organize news items on a tree map based on recency and relevancy of the news items (that are probably pulled from Google news). The background color indicates the news topic (red for world, purple for business, green for tech etc.)
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