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All articles with 'the vlookup book' Tag

What is your favorite Excel book? [open thread]

Published on Feb 7, 2014 in Learn Excel
What is your favorite Excel book? [open thread]

Today lets talk about Excel books. The question is simple.

What is your favorite Excel book? Please share your answers using comments.

My favorite books are..,

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The VLOOKUP book is ready, pick up your copy today & Become Awesome

Published on Oct 30, 2013 in Learn Excel

the-vlookup-book-ebookHi folks,

What a night it has been. Unlike hi-fi product launches for a new perfume or car, my book launch did not have hot models or unlimited champagne. And yet, last 18 hours has been an intense and lovely experience. And finally,

My book is out.

You can purchase a copy thru Amazon or our website.

Go ahead and get your copy today.

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I am writing a book [and its coming soon]

Published on Oct 23, 2013 in Learn Excel

Keen readers of Chandoo.org would have noticed a slow down in new posts recently. There are a few reasons for that.

  • I went to Malaysia to conduct Excel Dashboards & Power Pivot masterclass.
  • After coming back, we (our family) went to Goa to vacation for a few days.
  • When we got back, we all fell in to a vicious loop of flu, body pains and fatigue.
  • And it took a few days to recover and fall back in to routine.
  • But the most important reason is, I am writing a book 🙂

Introducing The Vlookup Book

Friends, readers & supporters of Chandoo.org,

I am very glad to announce my newest book – the vlookup book to help you become awesome in answering any lookup related question.

Click here to get your copy.

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