All articles with 'RSS' Tag
Twitter Formula Contest – We are 5000 strong now

Time for blowing my own trumpet and patting my own back over my pointy hair. I feel very proud to announce that our little community at Pointy Haired Dilbert now has its five thousandth member.
Take a minute and pat yourself on the back. This is an achievement because of you. Go ahead, I am waiting.
Ok, enough patting. Time for some gifts and fun.
We have 2 contests to celebrate the occasion. This is the first one. I will announce the second contest tomorrow. Read the rest of this post to find out more about the twitter formula contest
Continue »For the first time since starting this blog, I have crossed 500 RSS Subscribers today. Exactly an year ago, this blog had a small number of 25 readers and today the count reached to 505, with over a hundred of them reading updates through email. I am very happy to find this many passionate readers […]
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