All articles with 'RANDBETWEEN()' Tag
Play spreadsheet soccer with Excel Penalty Game [VBA]
![Play spreadsheet soccer with Excel Penalty Game [VBA]](
We love spreadsheets. And of course, once every four years, we also get mad about soccer. So why not merge both of them in to one awesome, frivolous and fun thing: Introducing….
The best part is you don’t have to run up to play this. Set your aim and let RANDBETWEEN() decide your fate.
Continue »Awesome chart to visualize Salary Increases for 3,500+ people [Tutorial]
![Awesome chart to visualize Salary Increases for 3,500+ people [Tutorial]](
Game for some charting awesomeness?
Off late, I have been doing a lot of data analysis and visualization on performance ratings, salary hike, gender pay equality etc. Today let me share you an awesome way to visualize massive amounts of data.
Scenario: Your organization of 3,686 people recently went thru annual performance ratings & review process. At the end of it, everyone was offered some salary increase (from $0 to $24,000 per year). You have 7 business groups. How do you tell the story of all these salary hikes in one chart?
How about the one above?
Ready to know how to create this in Excel? Read on.
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One of the most dreaded courses during my under-graduation is Probability, Statistics & Queuing Theory. We called it PSQT. I struggled to understand the significance and concept of this course as I could barely concentrate in the class. We had a professor, who is probably a genius, but the moment he started the class, I would magically fall in to one of my after-noon naps. When I woke up, we are either in the middle of an elaborate t-test or going thru intricacies of a Markovian queue.
This was all 11 years ago. Later in life, I have embraced the world of probability & statistics. I still fear queues. May be I will get there one day.
A good understanding of statistics & probability theory is necessary if you want to model complex real-life problems using Excel or similar tools. Naturally, Excel has several functions, features & supported add-ins to help you in this area.
Today, I want to share some of this with you. This article is broken down in to 3 parts.
- Learning Statistics & Probability using Excel
- Downloadable Excel Workbooks to understand
- Full blown models & simulations in Excel

Don’t know which way to go ?
Can’t make up your mind between alternatives?
Using collected or known data is the best when developing Excel models, but from time to time this may not be available when you are developing your model. This post will look at some options for setting up Dummy Data using Excels Random number functions.
Office 2010 Contest Winners are here!!!

Okay folks, sorry I took quite awhile to post this. But I was busy with excel school and getting my kids buzz cut. So here you go. Contest winners – India Paresh shah (website) Abhishek Jain Rahul Mulchandani (website) Contest winner – International Tom (this Tom) Congratulations Winners. You will very soon hear from me […]
Continue »P&L Reporting using Excel [Part 1 of 6 on Excel & Accounting]
![P&L Reporting using Excel [Part 1 of 6 on Excel & Accounting]](
With this post we are starting a new series on how to do basic accounting in Microsoft Excel. In this and next 5 posts, we will aim to setup Profit & Loss account reporting for multi-location retail company.
During this series we will learn how to make P&L reports on various criteria with just few clicks.
Many users find it difficult to manage their P&L reporting for Multi Location organization.
We will be using Pivot Tables for our reporting purpose and will take example of a Retails chain with multiple locations divided into various regions.
Continue »![How to pick a random date? [Formulas]](
Often when you need to generate a sample from large data set, you may want to pick data from a random date. In such cases, you can use excel’s RAND() and RANDBETWEEN() formulas to pick a random date. Here I have included few examples,
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