All articles with 'India' Tag

I have a new community project for all the members of PHD. It is a simple yet intuitive challenge. Make your own country’s flag using Excel Charts. To start the project, I have made the Indian flag using a bar and pie chart. Go ahead and see the rest of this post to findout how this chart is made and then participate in the “flag project” by making your own country’s flag. All the best.
Continue »Just click those ads and tell me what you understood. Humor me, go ahead, I am waiting. … Ok, stop scratching, you might loose more hair than the common sense brand managers at vodafone lost. Apparently these adds convey that Vodafone has solved the unsolvable conundrum of “talk-time” or “validity” by introducing a lifetime valid […]
Continue »Time for another look at print ads, this time for the most bizarre of them all. Mind you, these are not awful or plain lousy ads, for any column-centimeter worth its area has a fair share of lousy ads, these are simply bizarre ads, the kind that will make you go – WTF? The first […]
Continue »Huh! this has to be the most bizarre sari ever … Related google stuff you may find odd: Google park bench, Google fools day present to time travelers, Google life original source:New Launches
Continue »Here is a simple way to get Rs. 70 Lakhs when you are 55 – DONT touch your PF
Here is a simple piece of advice to literally everyone who is working: do NOT touch your Provident Fund, no matter what. Provident fund (commonly known as PF, EPF) is a retirement benefit facility provided to Indian employees by their employers of companies that have more than 20 employees. The option is applicable for practically […]
Continue »Take a look at the above screen shot of my inbox. Does any thing look odd? Of course it does, the amazing folks at IRCTC have decided to send a tempting summer vacation offer to me, not once but 5 times in the last 14 hours. Despite having one of the finest Indian online customer […]
Continue »I came across this brilliant ad from Citibank advertising their metro card for Delhi metro, see it yourself. I have taken Delhi metro first time during my summer internship in 2005. The system was excellent even at that time. I felt proud riding a world class air conditioned carriage from my hotel to the heart […]
Continue »Spotted these two rather well done ads starring Dhoni. The ads glorify lungi-clad, wild-dancing, movie-loving Tamil spirit while promoting carbonated sweetened beverages and mechanized time indicators. Dhoni Pepsi ad: Dhoni Sonata ad: However well done these ads are, I must admit that you will never probably see anything close to what is depicted in the […]
Continue »Look at the above Vodafone ad, the latest one where a cute little girl is constantly getting help from a cute little pug in various situations while a beautiful jingle is played in the background. The ad ends saying that “Vodafone is all too happy to help you” when you need them. Even though I […]
Continue »6 of the outdoor ads that I think are really cool, see for yourself: First, one of the most memorable brands of India, Amul, their advertising strategy is simple, every time connect with audience with messages that are from current news items. The humor is subtle yet striking. [See more of amul ads here] Ad […]
Continue »As usual my alma mater had a rocking placement year with 95 companies giving 367 offers to 173 odd students, salaries seemed to have peaked to new highs with lots of excellent offers and opportunities for the marketing / BFS and consulting candidates. IT companies offered some of the lowest salaries on the batch, indicating […]
Continue »or so would Economic Times likes us to believe. Otherwise how on earth would explain ridiculous news grouping like this? Rush to ET, you might still be able to catch a glimpse of this master piece. Such pity in the age of context sensitivity and related content discovery. Looks like someone from TOI migrated to […]
Continue »Bajaj has always been a smart advertiser and brand promoter. Generations of people have grown up watching their ads and whenever you see one of them you always feel happy inside. The brand and some of the bikes stand for what India is and what our values are. Be it the humara Bajaj or Feel […]
Continue »Excellent work by Tri-podders again… See it to believe. Extremely NSFW IT Mafia Part 1 IT Mafia Part 2 IT Mafia Part 3 Also see Anukokunda o Mandu Party part 1 & part 2
As usual in the morning I opened CNN IBN homepage to check what is happening in India. To my surprise the IBNLIVE site insists that I must read these happening news items. Mind you, they are not about state of union or lost test series or Australian open or dropping mercury in Delhi or impending […]
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