All articles with 'dynamic array functions' Tag
Calculating Critical Path using Excel Formulas [Project Management]
![Calculating Critical Path using Excel Formulas [Project Management]](
Do you know that we can easily calculate the critical path for a project using Excel formulas?
For a long time, it has been tricky to calculate the Critical Path using Excel formulas. But thanks to the arrival of new Dynamic Array functionality in Excel, we can now calculate critical path. In this article let me describe the approach with an example.
Put on your hardhats, this one is going to blow your minds.
Continue »FIFA 2022 World Cup Schedule & Results – Excel [FREE Download]
![FIFA 2022 World Cup Schedule & Results – Excel [FREE Download]](
It is the Soccer WORLD CUP time. Let’s celebrate the season with an AWESOME Excel File to track game schedules, results & scores.
Continue »Filter one table if the value is in another table (Formula Trick)

I have an orders table and want to see only orders from a given list of products. We can use Excel’s FILTER function to do this.
Continue »Mortgage Calculator with Extra Payments – Excel Download

Recently, we got a new mortgage. And I wanted to know the impact of “extra payments” on it. So I made an Excel calculator. Check it out ?
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Excel Dynamic Array functions are going to change the way to you work your data forever. Watch the replay of the event here and learn about…
* What is so different about Excel’s dynamic array functions
* The new # operator
* 6 important dynamic array functions – FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, RANDARRAY
* 25 practical examples of dynamic array functions for business analysis
* Your questions & answers
Excel Dynamic Array Functions – What are they, how to use them, Examples and FAQs

Excel Dynamic Array Functions are a true game changer. These newly introduced DA functions can filter, sort, remove duplicates and do much more. The output of these functions can go to a range of cells. Hence the name – dynamic array functions.
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