
All articles with 'downloads' Tag

Visualizing Commonwealth games performance – Interactive chart

Published on Apr 13, 2018 in Charts and Graphs, Power Query
Visualizing Commonwealth games performance – Interactive chart

The 2018 edition of Commonwealth games are on for a week now. Both of my homes – India and New Zealand have been doing so well. Naturally, I wanted to gather games data and make something fun and creative from it. Here is my attempt to amuse you on this Friday.

Looks interesting? Want to know how to make something like this on your own? Then read on…

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Rescue oddly shaped data – Battle between Formulas, VBA and Power Query

Published on Apr 11, 2018 in Learn Excel, Power Query, VBA Macros
Rescue oddly shaped data – Battle between Formulas, VBA and Power Query

Let’s say you have data like this in a spreadsheet. Don’t roll your eyes, I am 102% sure, right at this moment, someone is (ab)using Excel to create similar messy data.

How do you reshape it to one column?

You could use formulas, VBA or Power Query. Let’s examine all these methods to see what is best. All these methods assume your data is in a range aptly named myrange.

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Maths worksheets for your kids – teach addition, subtraction & multiplication with these

Published on Apr 9, 2018 in Templates

Nishanth & Nakshatra, my kids are now 8 years old and learning mathematics at school. Very soon (from this Saturday), they will have 2 weeks of school term break. As a stay at home dad, I shudder at the thought of school holidays. So this time, I have an evil plan. I made maths worksheets for them. Everyday, I will print one and ask them to complete.

If you are a stay at home parent and want to keep your kids busy for a few minutes every day, grab a copy of this and give it a go. Keep in mind that the workbook uses RANDBETWEEN(), so the numbers change every time. If you have multiple kids, print multiple copies. There are no answer sheets, so when you need to check the answers, you too must calculate them by hand.

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How many Excel themed cryptic crossword clues can you solve? [Easter Eggs 2018]

Published on Mar 29, 2018 in Excel Challenges
How many Excel themed cryptic crossword clues can you solve? [Easter Eggs 2018]

It is Easter time. This is the first Easter we are celebrating in our new house. So it is bound to have so many special memories. For last 10 years (wow, it has been a decade of tradition), I have been running Excel based egg hunts every Easter. It all started in 2009, when I was living in Sweden (where Easter is a BIG thing). I had to share the enthusiasm with someone, so I made our first Easter egg hunt on the blog.

This year, join me on an Excel themed cryptic crossword clues – Easter egg hunt. Don’t forget to share your scores and explanations in the comments.

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Stay on top of money with this awesome household budget spreadsheet [downloads]

Published on Mar 1, 2018 in Learn Excel, Templates

I believe in frugal living and paying yourself first. One of the simple ways to achieve this is by using a budget. You know how much money you get. Once you can track (or estimate) how much you are spending, it is easy to see how much you are paying your future self and what wiggle room you have. So in the spirit of making you awesome in life, not just Excel, let me share a simple but elegant household budget spreadsheet.
Here is a screenshot of the budget.

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How windy is Wellington? – Using Power Query to gather wind data from web

Published on Feb 22, 2018 in Power BI, Power Query
How windy is Wellington? – Using Power Query to gather wind data from web

Let’s take a whirlwind trip to coolest little capital – Wellington. It is a windy place, so hold on to your hats and spreadsheets.

Almost everyone who spends more than 2 days in Wellington would agree that it is a windy place. But how windy is Welly? In this two part series, we will use Power Query, Excel charts and coffee to answer that question.

But, first let’s start with a joke.

What happens when you throw a boomerang in Frank Kitts Park?

You will have to buy another one, coz you are not getting that one back.

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2018 Calendar, daily planner Excel templates [free downloads]

Published on Jan 3, 2018 in Learn Excel

Here is a New year gift to all our readers – free 2018 Excel Calendar & daily planner Template.

This calendar has,

  • One page full calendar with notes, in 4 different color schemes
  • Daily event planner & tracker
  • 1 Mini calendar
  • Monthly calendar (prints to 12 pages)
  • Works for any year, just change year in Full tab.
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5 conditional formatting top tips – Excel basics

Published on Dec 5, 2017 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
5 conditional formatting top tips – Excel basics

Time for another round of unconditional love. Today, let’s learn about conditional formatting top tips. It is one of the most useful and powerful features in Excel. With just a few clicks of conditional formatting you can add powerful insights to your data. Ready to learn the top tips? Read on.

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Which power plan is best for me? Excel for everyday problems

Published on Nov 9, 2017 in Analytics, Financial Modeling
Which power plan is best for me? Excel for everyday problems

We had to switch power providers soon, so I started reviewing the options. There are heaps of providers in New Zealand and each offer a ton of different plans. Some offer welcome bonus or credit worth up to $ 200. Other offer straight forward rates. Some others offer discount if you sign up for both electricity and gas with them. So how do you decide which one is better for you?

Using Excel of course.

The result is awesome. I ended up saving more than $1000 with a simple model. Puzzled? Curious? Check out this short but powerful video tut.

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Conditional Rank, the easy way [quick tip]

Published on Oct 20, 2017 in Pivot Tables & Charts
Conditional Rank, the easy way [quick tip]

Yesterday, my mate from across the ditch, Hui posted about conditional rank formula (RANKIFS) using awesome SUMPRODUCT

Of course, not everyone can whip up a sumproduct formula like that. On a scale of One to Hui of Excel awesomeness, you would need to be at least an H to write sumproduct or countifs formulas shown in that post. So does it mean, you can’t conditional rank if you don’t know your X from L?

Don’t worry. We got you covered. You can still get your conditional ranks, without inception level array formulas. Simple, use pivot tables instead.

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Histograms & Pareto charts in Excel – tutorial, tips and downloadable template

Published on Oct 5, 2017 in Charts and Graphs
Histograms & Pareto charts in Excel – tutorial, tips and downloadable template

Time for some statistics and charting fun. Let’s learn all about histograms and Pareto charts in Excel 2016. You will learn

  • What, why and when?
  • How to set up and customize histograms
  • How to use Pareto charts?
  • How to create dynamic histograms?
  • Creating histograms in old Excel (2013 or prior versions)

Sounds interesting? Let’s get started then.

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VLOOKUP that fat table with ease [3 quick tips]

Published on Sep 18, 2017 in Learn Excel
VLOOKUP that fat table with ease [3 quick tips]

Time for some good, old fashioned VLOOKUP love. Let’s say you are writing VLOOKUP()s to get data from an unusually fat table, ie one with heaps of columns. You want to get to lookup ID in first column and get thingamajig in what is that column number. Well, better get counting from 1 and after 19 seconds and lots of squinting you arrive at column number 53 – which has thingamajig. 

If this sounds like your VLOOKUP routine, check out these three amazingly simple tips to save some time and effort with your lookups.

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Epic Introduction to Power BI [video]

Published on Sep 13, 2017 in Power BI

Yay, finally our first ever full length Power BI tutorial is up. In this 30 minute video tutorial, learn how to get some data in to Power BI and make a quick report to understand it. We will be creating this.


Let’s get started then.

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Convert unevenly spaced list to table [Data from Hell]

Published on Aug 30, 2017 in Power Query
Convert unevenly spaced list to table [Data from Hell]

Introducing Data from Hell:

Watch out, its data from hell. In this new video series, we are going to examine some nutty, frustrating and fun data reshaping challenges and solve them using Excel. We will use Power Query, Formulas, VBA or other features as needed to free this data from damnation.

For our first installment, let’s reshape unevenly spaced list of values to a table.

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Awesome chart to visualize Salary Increases for 3,500+ people [Tutorial]

Published on Aug 17, 2017 in Charts and Graphs, R programming
Awesome chart to visualize Salary Increases for 3,500+ people [Tutorial]

Game for some charting awesomeness?

Off late, I have been doing a lot of data analysis and visualization on performance ratings, salary hike, gender pay equality etc. Today let me share you an awesome way to visualize massive amounts of data.

Scenario: Your organization of 3,686 people recently went thru annual performance ratings & review process. At the end of it, everyone was offered some salary increase (from $0 to $24,000 per year). You have 7 business groups. How do you tell the story of all these salary hikes in one chart?

How about the one above?

Ready to know how to create this in Excel? Read on.

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