All articles with 'company' Tag
well… I have been luring my visitors about the happenings here. let me acutally put them down. like a condom advertisement which exaggerates the excitement to exorbitant levels,you might find this a dud of a post. lets try. Man!-I-Fuss-TooWell, come january its election time at I. yours truly contested for Secretary, Media & public relations […]
Continue »Before you can think of the various possible and pleasurable meanings for the dangling ‘it’ in the title let me clarify the noun it is pointing to. It is ‘Marketing Research’. Well, there is nothing to be pissed off about it. Infact the story of my stint with marketing research dates back to day […]
I have purchased my domain name and some puny webspace yesterday night using the plastic. I started experimenting with moving the blog pages from Blog*spot to this place. Finally the move is complete and now all my future blogs will be available here [] only. It is at this point i understood that i need […]
Continue »Marcovian queues, arranged marriages and forefathers !!!
Well, upon looking at the three words Marcovian Queues, Arranged Marriage and Forefathers any sane person (Aah!, that excluded all the managers in the world :D) would say that they are totally unconnected. Today, i am here to prove that indeed they have a strong relationship among themselves. So much so that, the relationship is […]
Continue »Sometime this week i have completed both of them. and sitting in my room on a saturday night when there is no party, not enough movies to watch and more importantly the fact that tomorrow is a holiday has prompted me to write about this. This post tries to present a raw soul searching and […]
Continue »Today we had Marketing Research (MR) as discussion topic in marketing class. After a couple of presentations and Q&A sessions the prof raised the question (in fact he did raise more than one question.) “When is the appropriate time to do MR?”despite the fact that this question was raised at 1:15 pm when half the […]
Continue »Join me in bidding ‘bye bye’ to modus indoramus. The blog is no more. Welcome to world of hopeless engineers. Welcome to the world full of maniac decision makers. Welcome to Pointy Haired Dilbert. Welcome to the Ultimate Management Reality. Aaah, That sure is a grandoise way of putting things. Well, to make it simple, […]
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