All articles with 'checkbox' Tag
To-do List with Priorities using Excel

A while ago, we published a new year resolution template. This was a hit with our reader with thousands of you downloading it. During last week, Peppe, one of our readers from Italy, took this template and made it even more awesome.
The original template had tasks and completion check mark. As you finish each task, you can see the progress bar moving.
Peppe added priorities to this. With his new version, progress is measured based on how much priority we assigned that particular task. Pretty neat eh?!?
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Recently, I ran a contest asking you to analyze a bunch of sales data and present your results in charts. We received a total of 78 charts from 45 people. The contest entries had a mind-boggling variety of excel charts, techniques and ideas. It took me a while to go thru all the files and compile the results. Thanks for your patience. In this post, you can find all the charts along with my comments & links to download files.
Continue »11 Excel Trackers & Templates to help you Rock 2011

We are just a few days away from 2011. New year always brings hope, cheer, joy and revitalizes us. So naturally many of us embark on journeys with new goals, resolutions, things to do.
Naturally, Excel can help us better manage the new year. In this post, I am featuring 11 templates so that you can have a rocking 2011.
Continue »How to cook a delicious dynamic chart that will have your boss drool

Dynamic charts are like my favorite food, Mangoes. They tempt, tease and taste awesomely. In this post, we are going to learn how to create a dynamic chart using check boxes and formulas as shown in the animation aside. Are you ready for some excel chart cooking?
You can also download a FREE Dynamic chart template from the post. So go ahead and make your boss drool.
Continue »Annual Goals Tracker Sheet [awesome ways to use excel]
![Annual Goals Tracker Sheet [awesome ways to use excel]](
Marko, who is a long time PHD reader and an excel ninja sent this via email, I work at an insurance company in Slovenia. At the beginning of each year we have a conversation with our superiors to review our work in the past year and to set new goals (main activities) that we’re gonna […]
Continue »A New Year Resolutions Template that Kicks Ass

Jennie, a sweet and ambitious lady set out to do 101 things in the next 1001 days. She took the inspiration from Day Zero Project. Not stopping there, she prepared a cute little excel sheet to keep track of all these new year resolutions and sent it to me.
I think this is a swell excel template if you want to keep track of your goals or new year resolutions or just manage a list.
Continue »Excel Check Boxes, Even Simpler Way

In how to get tickmarks in excel, Jon commented,
“[…] Better yet, use real checkboxes, so the user can change them with the mouse.”
That got me thinking,
In excel, you can add a checkbox to spreadsheet using developer tools. But what if you need a whole bunch of checkboxes, one in each cell?
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