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A slicer that doesn’t slice [Pivot Table Tricks]

Published on Mar 30, 2016 in Pivot Tables & Charts, Power Pivot
A slicer that doesn’t slice [Pivot Table Tricks]

Mary Ellen, one of our readers, has an interesting conundrum,

I have some data that goes to Pivot table then to pivot chart. There is a slicer to filter the data. But when I slice, my pivot chart gets messed up. How to have the slicer, but still see the insights in the chart?!?

See above demo to understand:

This is because when you slice by a school, the pivot table gets filtered and hence % row total for that school becomes 100% (as there are no other schools).

How to fix the problem? The easy answer is to remove the slicers. But we want to have our slicers and eat a slice of them too. So we crank up the Excel awesomeness valve and get to work. There are two ways to achieve what we want.

  • Old school method: Two pivot tables, some formulas & a line chart
  • New Excel method: Power Pivot and a line chart

Read the rest of this article to know more.

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