
A slicer that doesn’t slice [Pivot Table Tricks]



Mary Ellen, one of our readers, has an interesting conundrum,

I have some data that goes to Pivot table then to pivot chart. There is a slicer to filter the data. But when I slice, my pivot chart gets messed up. How to have the slicer, but still see the insights in the chart?!?

See this demo to understand:


This is because when you slice by a school, the pivot table gets filtered and hence % row total for that school becomes 100% (as there are no other schools).

How to fix the problem? The easy answer is to remove the slicers. But we want to have our slicers and eat a slice of them too. So we crank up the Excel awesomeness valve and get to work. There are two ways to achieve what we want.

  • Old school method: Two pivot tables, some formulas & a line chart
  • New Excel method: Power Pivot and a line chart

A slicer that won’t slice – Video

Watch below video where you can learn about both methods.

You may see this video on Chandoo.org YouTube channel too.

Download Example Workbooks:

Please use below links to download the example workbooks for this video.

Examine the formulas & measures to learn more.

Learn more about Pivot tables, Slicers & Power Pivot

If you are curious to learn more about pivot tables, slicers & power pivot, check out below links:

Master Power Pivot in your pajamas:

Imagine being able to analyze millions of rows of data, answer any sort of questions about it and building awesome dashboards, all in your pajamas. That is Power Pivot for you. If you want to master this amazing technology, consider joining my online Power Pivot class. This proven program helps you learn all the intricacies of Power Pivot world and helps you build business intelligence solutions using Excel.

Please click here to know more about Power Pivot classes.


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Advanced Pivot Table tricks

Power Query, Data model, DAX, Filters, Slicers, Conditional formats and beautiful charts. It's all here.

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2 Responses to “A slicer that doesn’t slice [Pivot Table Tricks]”

  1. Anthony says:

    This is awesome stuff! Thank you!!!

  2. Shungu Dhlamini says:

    Wow, always on point!

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