
All articles in 'interviews' Category

What are best Excel interview questions? [survey]

Published on Sep 27, 2013 in interviews, Learn Excel

Hello folks…

Time for a fun & useful survey. This time lets talk about Excel Interview Questions.

Many of you are silently becoming awesome in Excel, data analysis, charting, dashboard reporting, VBA, Power Pivot and business skills, thanks to all the time you spend on Chandoo.org. I am sure there will be a day in near future, when you have to face another interview and be selected for a challenging, fun & high paying role.

Likewise, there is also a significant portion of you who are too good in your job that you will become a senior manager, VP or CXO, or better still start your own business. When the tables have turned, you will be the one looking for smart, dedicated, talented and fun individuals to join your team and make you look even more awesome.

So my question for both prospective interviewees and wannabe Excel pros,

According to you, what are the best Excel interview questions?

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I am meeting Mr. Excel aka Bill Jelen tomorrow. What do you want to ask him? (book giveaway too)

Published on May 9, 2013 in interviews

Bill Jelen a.k.a. Mr. Excel - I am meeting him for first time tomorrow (10May2013). Post your questions to him and you could win a book.One of the beautiful things about working on internet is you know so much about people even before you meet them first time. I think I first heard about Mr. Excel in 2006, when I started my career as business analyst. I landed on mrexcel.com while searching for something related to doing cluster analysis using Excel. In a way, mrexcel.com inspired me to share my thoughts and techniques on Chandoo.org.

So it wont be an understatement when I say, I feel like a kid in candy store knowing that Bill Jelen aka Mr. Excel is just a few miles away from where I live. Since Rob Collie and Bill are good friends, I asked Rob if we 3 can meet for dinner. And Bill said yes.

I am meeting Bill for dinner on Friday and Rob, Bill & I will be discussing spreadsheets, technology, share our experiences and bump ideas off each other.

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How do Business Analysts use Excel [Guest Post from a Rock-star BA]

Published on Feb 2, 2011 in interviews, Learn Excel
How do Business Analysts use Excel [Guest Post from a Rock-star BA]

This is a guest article by Matt, who works as a Business Analyst with allrecipes.com. He shares with us how he is using Excel to become a rockstar business analyst. In his own words,

“At Allrecipes.com we use excel for a variety of purposes. Analyzing site trends, forecasting traffic, charts, dashboards, and slide shows; you name it, we use excel for it. That’s why Chandoo’s tips have been so helpful – because we use excel every day. Thanks to chandoo.org, I’ve developed a reputation as an “excel wizard” and even taught a 4 week excel training class!

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My First Podcast!!! – Listen to know some cool charting and dashboard stuff

Published on Mar 25, 2010 in interviews
My First Podcast!!! – Listen to know some cool charting and dashboard stuff

Just weeks before Christmas, Ross McLean, who runs Methods in Excel (a very cool and useful Excel blog) asked me if I can join him for a small podcast interview on things we both love – excel, charts and talking. I couldn’t be more happier to accept his offer. We did the podcast and life kept busy both of us for a while. That is until yesterday, when Ross made the podcast available online for all of us.

Please go here to listen to my first podcast interview.

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Interview with John Walkenbach on Excel and Banjo Charts…

Published on Mar 27, 2009 in blogging, interviews, Learn Excel

Our interview with John Walkenbach is here. Check it out and see what John has to say about Excel, spreadsheets and fun.

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What would you like to ask John Walkenbach – Famous Excel Author and Guru?

Published on Feb 23, 2009 in blogging, interviews

As promised earlier, here is our next interview. PHD will be interviewing John Walkenbach, prolific Excel author and MVP. Please suggest your questions and help me get a killer interview from John.

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