
All articles in 'Excel Howtos' Category

How to write complex Excel formulas (hint: it’s a lot like LEGO)

Published on Dec 9, 2021 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
How to write complex Excel formulas (hint: it’s a lot like LEGO)

Writing advanced formulas is a lot like LEGO. Use what you already have and combine them in creative ways. Let me demo with 5 examples.

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Sorting values in Olympic Medal Table style [Quick Tip]

Published on Aug 2, 2021 in Excel Howtos
Sorting values in Olympic Medal Table style [Quick Tip]

It is Olympic season. Everyone I know is tracking the games and checking their country’s performance. One thing that we notice when looking at medal tally is,

A single Gold medal is worth more than any number of Silver medals. Like wise, a single Silver medal is worth more than any number of Bronze medals.

So, when you look at the ranking of countries, you see countries with single Gold medal higher up than countries with lots of Silver and Bronze medals (but no Gold).

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How to use Date & Time values in Excel – 10 + 3 tips

Published on Jul 28, 2021 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
How to use Date & Time values in Excel – 10 + 3 tips

Excel date time features are very handy and knowing how to use Excel date values can help you save a ton of time in your day to day spreadsheet chores. Let us prepare for your date with the sheet using these 10 handy tips.

Before jumping on to the tips, it helps to know how excel represents the date and time.

Microsoft Excel stores dates as sequential numbers … January 1, 1900 is serial number 1, and 28 July, 2021 is serial number 44405 because it is 44,405 days after January 1, 1900. Excel stores times as decimal fractions because time is considered a portion of a day.

Read on to learn more.

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Two-level Data Validation [Excel Trick]

Published on Sep 23, 2020 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Two-level Data Validation [Excel Trick]

Ever wanted to create a two-level data validation list? You can use this simple trick to make two-level or cascading drop-down validation lists in Excel. You need some data, a pivot table and simple IF formulas to get this. Read on to understand the process and create your own two-level drop down lists in Excel.

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Highlight due dates in Excel – Show items due, overdue and completed in different colors

Published on May 18, 2020 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Highlight due dates in Excel – Show items due, overdue and completed in different colors

Congratulations to you if your job does not involve dead lines. For the rest of us, deadlines are the sole motivation for working (barring free internet & the coffee machine in 2nd floor, of course). So today, lets talk about a very familiar problem.

How to highlight due dates in Excel?

The item can be an invoice, a to do activity, a project or anything. So how would you do it using Excel?

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How to show positive / negative colors in area charts? [Quick tip]

Published on May 12, 2020 in Charts and Graphs, Excel Howtos
How to show positive / negative colors in area charts? [Quick tip]

Ever wanted to make an area chart with up down colors, something like this? Then this tip is for you.

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Number to Words – Excel Formula

Published on Mar 24, 2020 in Excel Howtos, VBA Macros
Number to Words – Excel Formula

Ever wanted to convert numbers to words in Excel? For example, 456,123 becomes four hundred fifty-six thousand one hundred twenty-three.

Microsoft recently introduced LET function to Excel. This allows us to create variables on the fly to use within a formula. I just made a words from number formula using LET function and bit of good old INDEX.

Read on to learn how this all works.

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18 Tips to Make you an Excel Formatting Pro

Published on Mar 19, 2020 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
18 Tips to Make you an Excel Formatting Pro

We can take any Excel workbook and format it until Christmas, and we would still not be done. But not many of us have so much of time or energy. So, today, lets talk formatting.

In this, you will learn how to
1) Use tables to format data quickly
2) Change colors of your worksheet in a snap
3) Use cell styles
4) Quickly clone formatting using format painter
5) Clear formats to begin with a clean-slate
6) Formatting shortcuts
7) Formatting options for print
and 8 ) Why you should not go overboard formatting and 10 other tips.

So go ahead and become a formatting pro.

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How-to create an elegant, fun & useful Excel Tracker – Step by Step Tutorial

Published on Mar 17, 2020 in Excel Howtos, Templates
How-to create an elegant, fun & useful Excel Tracker – Step by Step Tutorial

Do you want to create a simple, elegant and useful tracker using Excel? You can make trackers with features like tables, data validation rules and conditional formatting. In this page, I will explain the process for creating an Excel tracker.

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Excel Pivot Tables Tutorial : What is a Pivot Table and How to Make one

Excel Pivot Tables Tutorial : What is a Pivot Table and How to Make one

Excel pivot tables are very useful and powerful feature of MS Excel. They are used to summarize, analyze, explore and present your data. In plain English, it means, you can take the sales data with columns like salesman, region and product-wise revenues and use pivot tables to quickly find out how products are performing in each region.

In this tutorial, we will learn what is a pivot table and how to make a pivot table using excel.

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How can you analyze 1mn+ rows data – Excel Interview Question – 02

How can you analyze 1mn+ rows data – Excel Interview Question – 02

As part of our Excel Interview Questions series, today let’s look at another interesting challenge. How can you analyze more than 1 million rows data in Excel?

You may know that Excel has a physical limit of 1 million rows (well, its 1,048,576 rows). But that doesn’t mean you can’t analyze more than a million rows in Excel.

The trick is to use Data Model.

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#awesome trick – Extract word by position using FILTERXML()

Published on Sep 12, 2019 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
#awesome trick – Extract word by position using FILTERXML()

This is CRAZY!!!. I stumbled on a weird use for FILTERXML() while reading a forum post earlier today. So I couldn’t wait to test it. I am happy to share the results.

Say you have some text (sentence / phrase / keyword etc.) in a cell and you want to extract the nth word. Unfortunately Excel doesn’t have SPLIT() formula. So we end up writing obscenely long array formulas or use gazillion helper columns.

Here is the super sneaky trick. Use FILTERXML() instead.

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Show difference between cells in status bar – VBA Example

Published on Sep 10, 2019 in Excel Howtos, VBA Macros
Show difference between cells in status bar – VBA Example

We can select a few cells in Excel and quickly see their count, sum etc. in the status bar. Ever wanted to customize the status bar to show something else, say difference? You can use VBA add-ins with application level events to achieve this. In this VBA Example, we will look at how to set up a class module, application event in our personal macro add-in to customize status bar.

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How to trace precedents in Excel formulas? [tip+music from Prague]

Published on May 22, 2019 in Excel Howtos
How to trace precedents in Excel formulas? [tip+music from Prague]

Here is a very useful and almost secret Excel tip for you. Imagine you are looking at a big, complex workbook with lots of calculations. You want to understand where everything is pointing to and how the workbook is set up.

You can use trace precedents in Excel to do this. Read this tip to learn how it works.

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Circular Arc – Doughnut Charts

Published on May 16, 2019 in Charts and Graphs, Excel Howtos, Huis, Posts by Hui
Circular Arc – Doughnut Charts

Learn how to make a Circular Arc Chart in Excel.

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