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Archive for August, 2019

Job Title Matching Problem [Excel Homework]

Published on Aug 30, 2019 in Excel Challenges, Power Query
Job Title Matching Problem [Excel Homework]

Howdy folks. Almost the end of August here. Let’s wrap it up with a nice little challenge, inspired from my recent consulting gig. Say you are looking at few job titles that look similar and want to match them to correct title.

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Free Excel Risk Map Template

Published on Aug 28, 2019 in Charts and Graphs, Project Management
Free Excel Risk Map Template

Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing. Warren Buffet If you ever ask a project manager what they are up to, they will tell you “I have no idea“. So risks are quite common in project management. That is why I made this awesome free Excel risk map template to keep track and […]

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How to extract common values in two tables? – Power Query Tip

Published on Aug 19, 2019 in Power Query
How to extract common values in two tables? – Power Query Tip

We, humans like to compare. Whether we are on Facebook or workbook, we want to compare. So how do you compare two tables and extract common values? Simple, use Excel Power Query. It can merge (a la join) tables and give you the common values.

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VLOOKUP or INDEX+MATCH? – Excel Interview Question – 01

Published on Aug 15, 2019 in Interview Questions, Learn Excel
VLOOKUP or INDEX+MATCH? – Excel Interview Question – 01

This is part of our Excel Interview Questions series.

VLOOKUP or INDEX+MATCH? When you should use each function and why?

This is such a great question to ask in interviews. So in my first installment of Excel interview questions, let me answer it.

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How-to highlight maximum value in Excel charts? [Quick tip]

Published on Aug 7, 2019 in Charts and Graphs
How-to highlight maximum value in Excel charts? [Quick tip]

Ever wanted to highlight maximum value in charts? Then this tip is for you.

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Pivot Tables from large data-sets – 5 examples

Published on Aug 2, 2019 in Pivot Tables & Charts
Pivot Tables from large data-sets – 5 examples

Let’s say you are starting at a large dataset with multiple columns. You need to make a pivot report from it for a client or manager. How would you go about it?

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