
2016 Calendar, daily planner Excel templates [free downloads]



Here is a New year gift to all our readers – free 2016 Excel Calendar & daily planner Template.


This calendar has,

  • One page full calendar with notes, in 4 different color schemes
  • Daily event planner & tracker
  • 1 Mini calendar
  • Monthly calendar (prints to 12 pages)
  • Works for any year, just change year in Full tab.

See more snapshots here: 2016 Calendar template snapshot 1, snapshot 2 & snapshot 3

Download 2016 Calendar – Excel File

Click below links to download the calendar you want:

How does this Calendar work?

This uses same techniques as mentioned in previous calendars. So check out this page to learn.

Go ahead and enjoy the download. The file is unlocked. So poke around the formulas and named ranges. Learn some Excel.

More Calendar Downloads:

Download these additional calendar templates and start your new year in awesome fashion!

2015 Calendar2014 Calendar2013 Calendar, 2012 Calendar, 2011 Calendar.

Other calendars & planners for you:

Techniques used in the calendar template: INDEX | OFFSET| INDIRECT | Array Formulas | Using Date & Time in Excel | Conditional Formatting


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    16 Responses to “2016 Calendar, daily planner Excel templates [free downloads]”

    1. Ahmed says:

      Really nice, thanks

    2. eric says:

      Hi, Why would people go through all this for a calendar when OUTLOOK does it for you. Pointless exercise in 2016

      • Harry says:

        Because they can?

      • Chandoo says:

        Hi Eric... You are welcome to use it as you see fit. Many Excel applications / dashboards and reports involve some sort of calendar based analysis & reporting. I see such calendars playing a role in these scenarios. While Outlook / other apps provide calendar, how would you integrate them in to Excel if you want to make calendar / timeline a part of your report?

    3. oldchippy says:

      Hi & Happy New Year Chandoo,

      You say "Works in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 & Mac Excel 2014, 2011".
      So does it work in Excel 2016 for Mac? If not what part doesn't work only I'm thinking of buying xl 2016 for my Mac as I only have xl on my old laptop with xl 2007.

    4. GREG MEYEROWITZ says:

      Can I ask you kindly whether you have a weekly calendar or give me instructions as how to adapt one of your calendar templates


    5. […] calendario 2016 Excel es muy similar al creado por Chandoo, el cual podemos descargar acá, pero con el pequeño problema de que está en inglés, aunque en realidad lo que está en dicho […]

    6. Doris says:

      Thanks for this fun, amazing creative calendar, good job friends.

    7. Cynthia says:

      Thanks Chandoo. I love your calendars. I can copy one into a file at anytime. I do want to know how to make the 'Notes' display on the 'Monthly' for the day entered. That would be most helpful for me, please.

    8. Thank you for this creative calendar.

    9. […] 2016 Calendar, daily planner Excel templates [free downloads] […]

    10. Kerry says:

      Do you have template calendar for 2017 yet

      • Hui... says:

        Download the 2016 File
        Save it as 2017
        Open the file
        Goto the Full worksheet
        Select the 2016 at the top
        type 2017
        Save &


    11. Kerry says:

      Easy when you know how !
      Thank you very much .

    12. Alan says:

      Just checking site for 2017 version. I'll change date as above and I'm good. This is a really neat excel calendar to learn from and use. Over the years some great modifications have been added. thanks again who knows I'll check back next month and perhaps will get new addition or tweak to study.

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