Archive for July, 2005
I have seen several tens of teachers so far in my life. I rarely remember what they taught me in the class. All the formulae, all the theorems, all the circuits, all the models and all the frameworks… everything is forgotten. Whatever I am learning now, I am 100% sure that I will forget this […]
Continue »I wanted to blog on the following topics but couldn’t find much time to do so… – A wonderful prof. and an experience called attending his class– Rains in campus– My photographic experiments– More on Ladakh trip– Passion & commitments Shout to myself: stop cribbing about lack of time and start using it in better […]
Continue »Answer the photoquiz and you could gain some satisfaction. [see the answer below] All you need to do is to tell me what the above photo is about. Last night I got crazy and managed to get this shot. Answers tomorrow :D. Answer: It is my monitor running “starfield simulation” screen saver. The other day […]
Continue »Hell: 8:30AM – 11:45AM classes1:45PM – 3:15PM classes7:00PM – 9:00PM classes9:30PM – 2:00AM meetings Heaven: 2:20 AM – Inside mess having paratha and frooti… Life rocks
Continue »Hell: “tuyoooon” moans my mailbox alert sound. I open the box to check what is there now. As it is a saturday I was expecting a certain mail from certain person about certain things. “I am here to screw your happiness” screams the mail from P%^ office. The mail is simply an attachment of the […]
Continue »G O V A R – my friend and another blogger from iim-i community gets visibility in MBA forums. They have published an interview with him here. Way to go spetty!
Continue »For the past 4-5 days I have been really busy and the reason is not some submission or exam. It is ad-mark. Mercur-i, our marketing club conducts “marketer of month” contest. There will be several phases in this contest and as you participate in each round you will accumulate points based on your performance. The […]
Continue »A hazaar things are going on here, most exciting of them being ad-mark contest where we have to make ads on a predefined product to sell it to the customer-jury. As it is the end-terms are just 2 weeks away and all submissions are approaching fast. More later, probably tomorrow.
Continue »[Read Waterfight 1.1 here :D] I read an article long before coming here, when I was a kid and practicing 8th class mathematics and elementary grammar to crack an exam named after an animal. The article is written by a b-school student. One line in the article surprised me alot. It goes like this,“B-school education […]
Continue »Its always pleasant to see sportstar ads in Hindu. They rouse the interest by combining a latest sports visual with catchy line and the body copy rants about whats this weeks sportstar is going to offer. The best thing is they come up with most creative pieces everytime. The sad part is that no one […]
Continue »We had a presentation session on ‘brand extensions’ today in brand management class. It was a good learning experience to see what are the possibilities and steps to be taken before extending a brand. Its an altogether different question that some people were not comfortable with the idea of Apple getting into space travel. But […]
Continue »Apparently I have the same mail many a times :D. I wonder how many more of programming advancements it takes to incorporate common sense in to the coders mind.
Continue »and it feels mighty good that they are back. The rush to finish them off, the endless nights and the canteen owner laughing all the way to bank. They are back. The pain in the hands and in the minds, and the cruel smiles of the people who design them. They are back. The chase […]
Continue »I am totally confused when it came to giving a title to this post since I have an option of choosing ‘dude! where is my period?’. But the post will then be subjected to unintended verbal connotations about the sexuality of the author and thus ends up creating more confusion and problems than what it […]
Continue »… is not visible yesterday since all I can see is this.
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